Ohio Biographies

Henry Iden McMillan

Henry Iden McMillan, who conducts a general merchandising lousiness at Emerson, Jefferson County, Ohio, was born here when the village was known as New Trenton. May 6, 1862. His parents were Thomas R. and Julia Ann (Evans) McMillan.

Thomas R. McMillan was born in Maryland, in 1832, and was a boy when he came to Jefferson County with his parents, who were Mahlon and Rachel (Richards) McMillan. They had four children: William, who died at Maynard, O., and is survived by his widow; Ruth Hannah, who was the wife of Jeremiah C. Walker, and lived and died at Emerson; Thomas Richards, who was the father of Henry Iden; and Sarah Ann, who was the wife of Stewart Furbay, and lived and died at Emerson. Thomas R. McMillan was married in Mt. Pleasant to Julia Ann Evans, who was bom in Mt. Pleasant Township, a daughter of George T. and Sarah (Griffith) Evans. Her people came to Jefferson County from Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Five children were bom to Thomas R. McMillan and wife, namely: Mary Inez, who died unmarried; Henry Iden; George Addison, a resident of Emerson, who married Clara M. Heaton, a daughter of Francis M. and Ann C. (Meredith) Heaton; Charles P., manager of the Mt. Pleasant Telephone Company, who married Jennie F. Conelly, of New Athens, O.; and Eleanor M., who is the wife of George W. Walker, of Emerson.

Henry Iden McMillan attended the common and high schools in Mt. Pleasant Township, leaving school when twenty years of age in order to engage in farming, his father being busy as a wheelwright, at which trade he worked for a number of years at New Trenton. Later Henry Eden engaged in the mercantile business at Emerson and served three and a half years as assistant postmaster, under Postmaster Jones, wlio assumed the duties of that office on July 1, 1905. Mr. McMillan has been prominent in Republican politics, has been assessor for fifteen years and from 1896 until 1907 was a member of the Republican Central Committee.

On October 31, 1894, Mr. McMillan was married to Miss Anne S. Jones, who was born in Mt. Pleasant Township, Jefferson County, Ohio, and is a daughter of Benjamin E. and Amanda J. (Foulke) Jones. They have one child, Alice Eleanor, who was born August 13, 1902. Mr. and Mrs. McMillan are members of the Hicksite branch of the Society of Friends.

Benjamin Jones, the father of Mrs. McMillan, was born in North Carolina, and came to Jefferson County, Ohio, in 1834, at that time being two years old. His parents were Burrel and Rebecca Jones, who fonuerly lived near Murfreesboro, N. C. On October 30, 1860, Benjamin Jones was married to Amanda J. Foulke, who was born on a farm lying along the turnpike road between Harrisville and Bridgeport, O., and died May 9, 1885. For his second wife Mr. Jones married Sabina T. Dungan, a daughter of Jesse and Margaret (Grisell) Dungan. Her father was born in Maryland and her mother in Pennsylvania. This marriage took place October 14, 1886. Three children were born to his first marriage: Anna S., wife of Henry I. McMillan; Mary Elizabeth, who died aged ten years; and Alice, wife of Frank W. Clark. Mr. Jones came to Emerson in 1880 and for many years was in the mercantile business here. He is a stanch Republican. He was reared in the Society of Friends. Tlie McMillan, Evans and Jones families have been prominently identitied with this part of Jefferson County.


From 20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910


