Ohio Biographies

David W. McCain

David W. McCain, owner of 100 acres of valuable farm land, situated in Wells Township, Jefferson County, Ohio, was born on this place which has always been his home, January 27, 1853, and is a son of David and Eliza (Scott) (Pierce) McCain.

David McCain, the father, was born at Winchester, Pa., in 1793, and was so small at the time his parents crossed the mountains into Ohio, that he could be carried comfortably in a basket. His father was William McCain and when he had brought his family to Jefferson County, he stopped for a time near the river and then moved on a farm on Salt Run, in Wells Township, where he died when his son David was nine years old. He was the father of seven sons and five daughters, David being the youngest of his children. The latter began his business life as a worker on a flatboat on the Ohio River. In 1836 he moved to the farm in Wells Township which his son, David W., now owns, which he rented for a few years, as it was what was known as school land, but subsequently purchased it and this land has never since been out of the McCain name. David McCain was married first to Sarah Pierce, who died after having been the mother of six children: Eliza Jane, Ann, Claude, Sallie, William and Andrew. He then married Mrs. Eliza (Scott) Pierce, the widow of John Pierce. She had three children by her first marriage—George, John and Mary—and two were born to the second marriage: David Wellington and Charles. She died in 1887, having survived her second husband since 1875.

David W. McCain went to school in boyhood on Rush Run and as soon as age and strength permitted, he began to have his certain duties on the farm, his training being very thorough. When his father died he and his brother Charles came into possession of the property, wliich they amicably divided, David W. taking the southern division at that time, but in 1902 he bought his brother's portion and now owns the entire homstead property. He carries on general farming, raises some fruit and has the place well stocked.

On November 22, 1877, Mr. McCain was married to Miss Mary C. Beckett, a daughter of Martin and Jane (Hull) Beckett, and they have two children: Burton and Harold. The elder son was married first to Ada Kelley, who, at death, left two children: Pearl and Frances, the latter of whom lives with her fond grandfather. Burton McCain married for his second wife, Anna Culo, and they have two children: Elliott and a babe. Their home is in the city of Cleveland. The younger son, however, remains at home and assists his father in operating the farm. He is a promising young man, and is much thought of in the community. In politics, Mr. McCain is a Republican. Both he and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.


From 20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910


