David Morrow
David Morrow, whose long and useful life was mainly spent in Island Creek Township, Jefferson County, Ohio, where he died, February 17, 1907, was born in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, July 8, 1826, and was a son of David and Rebecca Morrow.
David Morrow was a small boy when his parents moved to Jefferson County, Ohio, and settled near what is now the village of Pekin, and at that time but few other homeseekers had reached this section. David Morrow spent the rest of his life there, with the exception of a few years passed in Steubenville. He was considered a good business man, a kind neighbor and an excellent husband and father. He was a man of upright life and for many years was a leading member of the Methodist Protestant church at Toronto.
David Morrow was married first to Nancy Viers, of Island Creek Township, and they bad three children, the one survivor being Oscar, wlio lives at Toronto. Mr. Morrow married secondly .Maria Taylor, also of Island Creek Township, and of their children the following survive: Fred, residing at Jeddo, O.; Howard, residing at Steubenville; Joseph, living at Steubenville; and Laura, wife of Frank Carnahan, of Lisbon, O. Mr. Morrow married for his third wife the estimable lady who survives him. She was at that time Mrs. Samantha J. Wells, the widow of Thomas J. Wells.
Mrs. Morrow was born in Meigs County, Ohio, but she has been a resident of Island Creek Township for a half century. She was married first to Thomas J. Wells, who was born in Washington County, Ohio, and was a son of James and Eliza (Oliver) Wells, with whom, when a small boy, he moved to Meigs County, Ohio, where he was reared. On April 15, 1858, Mr. and Mrs. Wells were married, and on May 20, 1860, they came to Island Creek Township, Jefferson County, and settled in the stone house on the river road at Wells' Cove, which remained his home until his death, April 21, 1858. He carried on farming and dairying very successfully. During the Civil War he served in the Union army for a time. He was a highly esteemed citizen. Mrs. Morrow resides on her farm of ninety-seven acres located at Wells' Cove. She is a very active and useful member of the Methodist Protestant church at Toronto, and belongs to the Foreign Missionary Society of the church; is also a member of the Ladies' Aid Society and belongs to the W. C. T. U. at Toronto. Her time is much occupied in looking after her business affairs, her church and social duties and her many benevolent interests.
From 20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910