Ohio Biographies

Daniel L. Maple

Daniel L. Maple, who resides on his fine farm of 110 acres in Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio, comes of a family which has for generations been numbered with the prominent citizenship of the county. He was born near the mouth of Yellow Creek in Saline Township, November 19, 1831, and is a son of Jesse R. and Margaret (Marshall) Maple.

The first of the Maple family to come to Jefferson County, Ohio, was William Maple, great-grandfather of the subject of this record, a soldier of the Revolutionary War, who came here while this was the northwestern territory. He served in the battle of Trenton, and other engagements of the war. William Maple was of English parentage, the family having been transplanted to American soil in the colonial days. He moved from Trenton, N. J., to Fayette Connty, Pennsylvania, and subsequently to Jefferson County, Ohio, crossing the river between Elliottsville and Empire, and locating in what now is Knox Township. He was buried on the hill above Port Homer, on the Patrick Haley place.

Capt. Benjamin Maple, grandfather of Daniel L., gained his title through service in the War of 1812. He was thrice married, his first union being with Mary Rich, his second with a Miss Lewis, and his third with a Miss Fitzpatrick, and he was father of twenty-one children, in addition to which he reared a lad named John Grimes. Of his children, Pizarins Maple was a soldier in the Mexican War. Captain Maple was buried at Pine Grove. {loadmodule mod_ext_custom,In-Article}

Jesse R. Maple was born near Somerset, Jefferson County, Ohio, July 18, 1809, and spent his entire life in Saline Township. In 1850, he moved upon the place now occupied by his son, Daniel L. Maple, and there he continued to reside until his death in December, 1905, at the unusual age of ninety-six years. He was married to Margaret Marshall, who was born in Knox Township, Jefferson County, Ohio, and was a daughter of Joseph and Mary ^larsliall, who had come from Pennsylvania at an early date. Mrs. Maple died in 1854, and was survived by the following children: Mary, who died in 1909, at the age of seventy-eight years, and was the widow of Samuel McClain; Caroline, who lived but a few years after her marriage to Benjamin Peckham; Kiziah, widow of George Phillips, residing in Chester, W. Va.; Frances Ann, of Cleveland, O., widow of E. H. Gray, who was a soldier in the Union army during the Civil War; Sarah Melinda, of Cleveland, O., is the wife of Charles Shipley, who served in the Union army throughout the entire Civil War; Daniel L., whose name heads this record; and Albert G., who is in the oil supply business at Oil City, Pa. The last named married Susan Stevenson, of Wellsville, O.

Daniel L. Maple attended the public schools of his native county, where he remained until the Civil War, when he went to Allegheny, Pa., and worked on the railroad. After the war he returned to Jefferson County and located on his present farm, where he has lived continuously since 1866. The farm consists of 110 acres and is finely equipped with buildings and well improved, bespeaking the labor and care Mr. Maple has given to it. He has always taken a public-spirited interest in the affairs of the community and county, and is a Democrat of the Jefferson and Jackson type. He is an active party man and has been a delegate to every county convention during the past forty years. He has served as central conmiitteeman and has been a member of the election board ever since the enactment of the Australian ballot. He has served on the United States jury at Columbus, and many times on the jury in his county.

On May 6, 1858, Mr. Maple was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth Albaugh, of what then was Bowling Green, now Osage, Jefferson County. She is a daughter of Reuben and Sarah (Rider) Albaugh, her maternal grandfather being George Rider. She was one of the following children born to her parents. Jacob of Oxford, Burton County, Indiana; Catherine (Pierce), deceased; Isaac, who lived at Hot Springs, Ark., at his death; Jane, widow of David Eddy, of Toronto, O., George, who married Emma Maple and resides at Cleveland, O.; William, who met an accidental death near Somerset; Levi, who married Lydia Stanley and resides in Indiana; Margaret, who married Cephus Eddy and resides in Toronto; Harriet, who died young, and Elizabeth (Maple). Mr. and Mrs. Maple reared the following children: Jeanette, who married W. H. McCarle, of Wellsville, and has three sons,—Frederick, Charles and Jay; Emma, who married Charles Bradley, of Wellsville, and has three children,—Elizabeth (wife of James Harrison, by whom she has a son, Ralph Harrison), Jeanette, and George Bradley; and Francis Marion, who married Mary McGinley, of Pittsburg, and has two children,—Daniel and Catherine. The last named is proprietor of a restaurant at Salineville, where he resides. The subject of this sketch is a member of the Christian Church at Hammondsville. He was formerly a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.


From 20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910


