Ohio Biographies

Daniel A. Moreland

Daniel A. Moreland, who was a well known and esteemed resident of Toronto, this county, from 1902 until his death on April 25, 1910, was born in Knox Township, Jefferson County, Ohio, March 31, 1838, and was a son of David and Artymeca (Morgan) Moreland.

David Moreland was born in Maryland and was a son of Daniel Moreland, who in all probability was also born in that state and was of German extraction. David Moreland passed the greater part of his life in Jefferson County and was the first in Steubenville to engage in the express business. He died in 1883. Honest and industrious, he was successful and was respected by all who knew him. He was twice married and of his children the following are now living: Maria E., who is the widow of Moses Davis and lives at Maitland, Mo.; Emma C, who is the wife of Robert Keene, of Philadelphia; Dessa, who is the wife of Calvin Worthington, of Chicago; and David, who is a resident of Steubenville, O.

Daniel A. Moreland was eight years old when he suffered the greatest loss that a child can sustain in the death of his mother. After that, his home, practically until he reached manhood, was with William Taylor, a farmer in Island Creek Township. Mr. Moreland was one of the first-year men to enlist for service in the Civil War, joining the Union forces on October 7, 1861, as a member of Company H, 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, which became a part of the Army of Cumberland and was in General Sherman's command during a large part of the time. To the end of his life he could vividly recall the scenes in some of the greatest battles of the war, for he fought at Shiloh, Stone River, Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge. He marched with Sherman's army from Chattanooga to Atlanta, and subsequently, in the Battle of Dallas, he was so seriously wounded in the right hand that he lost two of his fingers. After three vears' honorable service he was discharged October 20, 1864. The remainder of his life was a peaceful one and for forty years he followed agricultural pursuits in Island Creek Township, including the raising of stock. In 1902 he quit the laborious work of the farm and took up his residence in Toronto, where he belonged to the Grand Army post. He was a Republican in politics and at one time served as township assessor. On two occasions also he was brought forward by his party as its candidate for sheriff.

On January 19, 1865, Mr. Moreland was married to Miss Mary A. Findley, a memlier of one of the old and honorable county families. Mrs. Moreland was born in Island Creek Township, March 2, 1839, and is a daughter of William and Letitia (Todd) Findley. Her father was born in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, and her mother near Steubenville, O. Of the children born to William and Letitia Findley there were five survivors, namely: John, who lives at Waverly, Bremer County, Iowa; Isabel, who resides in Island Creek Township, this county; Caroline and Daniel O., both of Island Creek Township; and Mary A., the widow of Daniel A. Moreland. Mrs. Moreland is a member of the Presbyterian Church at Toronto, O., as was also her husband. Their children were, William F., Artie L., George T., Frank S., Emma V., Charles R., and Albert W., all now living except Artie and Emma.


From 20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910


