A. F. McCoy
A. F. McCoy, vice president of the River Sand Company and a representative business citizen of Steubenville, O., was born in this city in 1858, and is a son of Samuel B. McCoy, who was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania. Samuel B. McCoy was not yet twenty-one years of age when he came to Steubenville. In early manhood he was in the river trade but later was connected for many years with the Means foundry. In politics he was a Democrat and was a well known citizen.
A. F. McCoy was reared at Steubenville and was educated in the common schools and the old well remembered academy. He went to work on a river steamboat with Captain Wintringer, became a competent engineer and continued in that capacity on different boats until 1897, when, with others, he bought the T. M. Boyer and continued on that until it was sunk by the breaking up of the ice in the river, on January 2L 1903. Since then he has been interested in the present enterprise, the company handling river sand and gravel and operating dredges and barges. In 1884 Mr. McCoy was married to Miss Dora E. Quingland, and they have one son, Earl Q., who is a freight clerk in the offices of the Pan Handle Railroad. Earl Q. McCoy is a 32nd degree Mason and Knight Templar and a member of the Mystic Shrine. He is also identified with the Knights of Pythias at Steubenville.
From 20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910