James Longacre
James Longacre, electrician, and engaged in a plumbing and gas-fitting business, located at No. 147 South Third Street, Steubenville, has resided in this city for twenty-one years and is well known to the business community here. He was born in 1870, at Fostoria, Ohio.
Mr. Longacre was reared and educated in his native place and was nineteen years of age when he came to Steubenville. For a time he was in the employ of the old Gas Light and Coke Company of Steubenville, later the Electrical Company, and so continued until he went into business for himself about 1898. Being a competent man he does much of the important electrical work of the city and controls a large part of the contracts in plumbing and gas fitting, making use of modern sanitary appliances of proved utility. He is an active citizen and belongs to the Steubenville Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Longacre was married in February, 1892, to Miss Catherine F. Yarnell, who was borne and reared at Steubenville, and they have five children: Mary, Helen, William, James and Frances Louise. Mr. and Mrs. Longacre are members of the Third Presbyterian Ciiurch. The family home is in a beautiful residence at No. 339 Reserve Avenue. Mr. Longacre is affiliated with Steuben Lodge, No. 1, K. of P., at Steubenville.
From 20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910