Ohio Biographies

William A. Judkins

William A. Judkins, a highly regarded retired citizen of Smithfield. O., for many years a successful merchant here, was born at Steubenville, O., January 23, 1832, and is a son of Dr. Anderson and Catherine (Carr) Judkins.

Dr. Anderson Judkins was born in North Carolina and bore his father's name. He came to Jefferson County at an early time and died in 1835, leaving a widow and children. She was a daughter of Thomas Carr and was born in Baltimore, Md., and died in Ohio in 1854. The children of Dr. Anderson and Catherine Judkins were: Elizabeth, who married John Burriss, both deceased; Martha, who married Thomas P. McGrew. both deceased; Mary, who died young; Letta, who died young; Ann, who married Gen. John S. Mason, both deceased; James, who died in infancy; Catherine, who also died in infancy; William A.; and Maria, who is the widow of Benjamin Ladd.

William A. Judkins was three years old when his parents moved to Smithfield, where he had school advantages until he was fourteen years of age, at which time he started out to take care of himself. He decided on a mercantile career and became a clerk in a general store conducted by Carr & Mather, remaining there practically for eighteen years, though during this period came his service in the Civil War. With others at Smithfield he enlisted in Company B, 52nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry, under Daniel McCook, a military idol in that section of Ohio at the time, and was commissioned first lieutenant of his company He served nine months and was then appointed a member of the staff of his brother-in-law, Gen. J. S. Mason, and was sent to California, where he remained eighteen months. Upon his return to Smithfield he became a clerk again for the firm with which he had formerly been associated and later became a partner, the style becoming C. Mather & Co., after the death of Mr. Carr. At a later date Mr. Judkins sold out his share in the business, retired, and bought a farm of eighty acres adjoining Smithfield. There is a saying in the Judkins family that to be born with the name is to be born a doctor and its truth has been shown many times, there being a number of prominent medical men in this family, but in the case of William A. Judkins, the commercial instinct was stronger and he became a successful business man.

On June 3, 1856, Mr. Judkins was married to Miss Mary W. Bates, who died five years later. The two children of this marriage died young. Mr. Judkins was married again on June 18, 1863, to Miss Rebecca Wheeler, who died in 1886. In November, 1893, he was married to Mattie Henderson, who died March 1, 1901. On March 18, 1894, Mr. Judkins was married to his present estimable wife, who was Miss Sarah E. Tipton. Mr. Judkins has one daughter, Nellie W., who is the wife of Thomas Purviance and they have one child, Mary Judkins. Mr. Judkins has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church since 1861 and has been superintendent of the Sunday-school for forty-five years. In 1880 the school presented him with a handsome Bible to show its appreciation of his long and faithful service. Politically Mr. Judkins is a Republican and has served in numerous offices. He is a member of Daniel McCook Post, G. A. R., at Smithfield.


From 20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910


