Ohio Biographies

J. H. Campbell

J. H. Campbell, postmaster at Island Creek, Jefferson County, Ohio, where he has been conducting a mercantile business since 1900, at which time he entered upon his public duties, is one of the representative citizens of Island Creek Township and a member of an old county family. He was born in Knox Township, Jeiferson County, in February, 1841, and is a son of Jefferson and Harriet Campbell.

Jefferson Campbell and also his wife were born in Jefferson County, Ohio, and he was a son of William Campbell, who was one of the first settlers in Knox Township and was probably of Scotch parentage. Jefferson Campbell was a well known man in this section of the county and was very highly respected. He was a member of the Island Creek Presbyterian Church and constant in his attendance until the time of his death, in 1890. In his political opinions he was a Republican. Of his children the following survive: John H.; George, residing in Knox Township; Emeline, wife of W. W. Gray, of Knox Township; Mary, residing in Knox Township; Thomas J., residing at Toronto; Charles F., living in Knox Township; David E., living also in Knox Township; and Catherine J., widow of J. B. Rex, who lives at Akron, O.

John H. Campbell was reared to man's estate in Knox Township and after preparatory training in the district schools, became a student at Richmond College, at that time a flourishing institution at Richmond, O. In April, 1861, Mr. Campbell enlisted in Company I, 20th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and during his first enlistment was on duty guarding railroads in West Virginia. In 1864 he became a member of the Home Guards, a patriotic body that responded to the call of the President for men to guard the State from invasion and take care of prisoners and he was stationed for about four months at Port Delaware engaged in these duties and was honorably discharged in September, 1864, then returning to Jefferson County. For a number of years afterward he was engaged in general farming in Knox Township and served for twelve years as a justice of the peace, afterward moving to Toronto, where he was elected assessor and a member of the school board, of which he was president for a part of the time. After coming to Island Creek Township he served three years as a justice of the peace and in 1900 was appointed postmaster at Island Creek.

In 1866 Mr. Campbell was married to Isabel Joseph, of Island Creek Township and of their nine children eight have survived the mother: Harriet E., who is the wife of T. W. Morrow, a prominent merchant at Toronto; Margaret, who is the wife of F. F. Carnes, of Alliance, O. ; Annie, who is the wife of John W. Young, of Wellsville, O.; William R., who lives at Steubenville; Jane, who is the wife of Frank Beaumont, of East Liverpool; Irene, who is the wife of James Dunbar, of Island Creek Township; Jessie, who is the wife of George Kennedy, of Wellsville; and Charles A., who resides at Brilliant, O. Mr. Camiibell was married secondly to Mrs. Sallie Martin, widow of James Martin, formerly of Island Creek Township, and a daughter of the late George Davis of the same township. He is a member of the Island Creek Presbyterian Church. In politics he is a Republican.


20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910


