W. B. Barr
W. B. Barr, secretary and treasurer of the Steubenville Drug Company, of Steubenville, O., was born in this city in 1862 and is a son of John Barr, a native of Pennsylvania, who spent a large part of his life here, being in tbe employ of William Dougherty, a merchant tailor.
W. B. Barr has always been loyal to his native city, remaining here through his educational period and entering into business here. On February 21, 1889, when tbe Steubenville Drug Company was incorporated, he became secretary and treasurer, tbe other officers being Dr. J. C. M. Floyd and Dr. Robertson. This is a standard business concern operating under the pure food laws and the laws of the State of Ohio and is one of Steubenville's most prosperous enterprises.
Mr. Barr was married September 16, 1891, to Miss Ella Low, a daughter of Joshua Low. formerly a prominent citizen of Steubenville, and they have two sons: Harry L., who is a chemist in tbe Carnegie steel plant at Mingo Junction; and William C., who is a student. Mr. and Mrs. Barr are members of tbe Metbodist Protestant Church. He is identilied with Steuben Lodge, No. 1, Knights of Pythias, and belongs also to tbe Cbamber of Commerce.
From 20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910