John A. Burchfield
Hon. John A. Burchfield, mayor of Toronto, Jefferson County, Ohio, and a leading member of the Toronto bar, was born in Harrison County, Ohio, August 15, 1853, and is a son of Milton and Margaret (Stewart) Burchfleld, both of whom are now deceased.
John A. Burclitield was seven years old when his parents moved from New Jefferson, in Jefferson County, to a farm in Salem Township, not far from Fairfield, and there he was reared. He taught school for seven years prior to entering upon the study of law, but prior to this had taken the classical course in a college at Richmond, O., where he was graduated in 1876. His law reading was done in the office of Trainer & Cook, well known attorneys at Steubenville, and he was admitted to the bar in 1881. He engaged in the practice of law in that city until 1885, when he came to Toronto and this place has been his home ever since. He has been more or less active in politics for a number of years and is one of the influential Democrats of Jefferson County. In the fall of 1909 he was elected mayor of Toronto, succeeding Hon. E. S. Casey. Mayor Burchfleld is an earnest, public spirited citizen and in the administration of municipal affairs he proves these qualities. He is popular with all classes.
Mayor Burchfleld was married to Miss Ada Gilkison, who was born in Knox Township, Jefferson Coimty, and is a daughter of John Gilkison. They have seven children: Lloyd, Mamie, wife of Charles Stenger; Ada, wife of Charles Koehnlein; Ray; Nellie; Frank; and William.
From 20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, by Joseph B. Doyle. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910