John H. Smith
John H. Smith, one of the oldest and best known men of Killbuck Township, was born in Cecil County, Md., May 20, 1805. His father, James Smith, was born in the State of Delaware, and was of Irish descent. He married Mary Hugle, a native of England, and engaged in farming in Cecil County, Md. In 1815 they moved to Jefferson County, Ohio, where they purchased a farm, and resided until about 1828, when they came to Holmes County, and located in Killbuck Township. Some years later they moved across the line into Coshocton County, where the mother died in 1842, and the father in 1844. He was a stanch Democrat, and always took an active part in politics. They were formerly Quakers in Jefferson County, but after coming to Holmes County, they united with the Methodist Episcopal Church. They reared four children, all of whom are dead except our subject.
John H. Smith was educated at the schools of Maryland and Jefferson County. At the age of eighteeen years he left the homestead farm, and engaged in manual labor, working at anything that would remunerate him. In 1823 he came to Holmes County, and entered a tract of land in Killbuck Township. Mr. Smith is in every sense of the word a self-made man. He started in life single-handed, educated himself, and by his own hard work has made himself one of the well-to-do farmers in Killbuck Township. In September, 1831, he was united in marriage with Miss Delira, daughter of Abner Purdy, of Killbuck Township, and they lived together over fifty years, until the wife and mother died in October, 1884. Seven of thier children grew to maturity: George C., of Killbuck Township; James M., of Pike County, Ohio; Royal B., of Killbuck Township; Cynthia, now the wife of John G. Lowe, also of Killbuck Township; Merinda, wife of Henry Gray, of Iowa; Dorcas L., now the wife of Woods McDowell, or Perrysville, Ashland Co., Ohio; the other is dead.
Mr. Smith has been an active supporter of the Democratic party. In 1851-52 and in 1852-53 he was a member of the Ohio Legislature, and served nine years as justice of the peace of Killbuck Township. He has been an active worker until within a few years, when he retired from active life on account of his great age. He makes his home with his children, and enjoys good health at the age of eighty-four years. He has never had a sick spell, and never had a law-suit, or a suit in the justice court. Mr. Smith was reared in the Quaker faith, and still holds to the same, although he is a liberal supporter of all denominations. George C. Smith, the eldest son of John H. Smith, was born on his present homestead in Killbuck Township, June 16, 1836. In 1858 he was united in marriage with Miss Nancy, daughter of John Lepley, of Killbuck Township, and in 1859 they moved to Pike County, Ohio, where they remained five years, since then residing in Killbuck Townshiip. Their family consists of three children living: Dora, wife of Lewis J. McKee, of Mechanic Township (have two children: Lola May and Grace Dell); Ethel M., wife of J. M. Carpenter, of Killbuck Township, and Harvey O., at home. Mr. Smith has filled various township offices, and is trustee and steward of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
From Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Wayne and Holmes, Ohio, J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago, 1889