Ohio Biographies

David T. Simpson, Sr.

David T. Simpson, Sr. The ancient family homestead was located and included the land where the city of Lewistown, Penn., now stands, 3,000 acres of land having been acquired partly by purchasse and partly for service in the Revolutionary War by Matthew Simpson, father of George N. Simpson and grandfather of David T. Simpson, Sr. After the close of the Revolutionary War, Matthew Simpson constructed and built on the land three iron furnaces about fifty feet square, which were perhaps the first constructed in the State, and there fostered and developed in its infancy what is now the great iron industry of the State of Pennsylvania.

David T. Simpson, Sr., was born at Bloomfield, Perry Co., Penn., January 11, 1833. A short time afterward his father, George N. Simpson, moved to Buffalo, Penn., and afterward to Halifax and then to Hollidaysburg, where David R. Simpson, Sr., lived and assisted his father in the cabinet-making and furniture business till he was about twenty-three years of age, at which time, about the spring of 1856, he was married to Miss Sarah A. Wachob. In March, 1858, he moved to Millersburgh, Ohio, where he engaged in the furniture business from 1858 till about 1874; during the summer season from 1874 till 1880 he was engaged in the painting business, and during the winter season was occupied principally in buying hides and pelts and shipping them. From 1880 till the present time he has been unable to perforn any work or carry on any business, and for the past two years has been suffering from a stroke of paralysis. During the period from 1858 to 1889 he has been prominently identified and in sympathy with all movements for the improvement of the town and the good of the general public.

He was appointed by President Grant United States Revenue Collector and Gauger, and acted as such for two years. In 1862 he enlisted for three years as a private in the War of the Rebellion; reenlisted in March, 1863, was appointed sergeant-major, and was discharged at Cleveland, Ohio, in September, 1864, at the close of the war.

He is the father of six children, the eldest of whom, Ida, is married to James A. Uhl, a farmer, and lives about two miles southwest of Millersburgh; George N. received a liberal education, and graduated from the medical department of Wooster University at Cleveland, Ohio, in June, 1888, and is now associated with Dr. Lashell, at Meadville, Penn., in the practice of medicine, their practice paying at present about $14,000 per annum (he is a stanch and uncompromising Republican in politics, and is a member of the Methodist Church; he is now about twenty-nine years of age); Elizabeth B. was married to George Fitzgerald, a farmer and lives about two miles southeast of Millersburgh, now aged twnety-eight  years; David T. Jr., received a liberal education, and read law with Daniel S. Uhl (deceased) of Millersburgh (was admitted, and at once engaged in the practice of law, with his office over the Commercial Bank, where he has taken and maintains a prominent place among the efficient and successful members of the legal bar of this county; he is now twenty-six years of age); the two younger children-William W. and Juanita--are still attending school.  As a family they are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and in politics are stanch and uncompromising Republicans.


From Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Wayne and Holmes, Ohio, J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago, 1889


