David Smetzer, Jr.
David Smetzer, Jr. (deceased), was born in Franklin County, Penn., December 28, 1820, a son of David Smetzer. When he was twenty years of age he came to Ohio by stage, working his way along, and first stopped at Wooster, where he found employment as a farm hand. He remained two years, and in the meantime his parents and the rest of the family, consisting of seven children, had moved to Wayne County. In 1845 the entire family moved to Ripley Township, Holmes County, where the father bought eighty acres of land, and remained a number of years, subsequestly selling and removing to Williams County, Ohio, where he died.
David Smetzer, Jr., remained with his father, assisting him in the work of the farm, for two years. In 1846 he married Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Christopher and Hannah Stickler, who came from Pennsylvania to Holmes County in 1824. In 1857 Mr. Smetzer made his first purchase of land, which consisted of 100 acres, almost all of which was cleared. To this he afterward added eighty acres, making a fine farm, which is still in the possessioin of the family. He was in early life a carpenter, but later followed agricultural pursuits. Mr. and Mrs. Smetzer had a family of seven children, but three of whom are living: H.S., Ida E., and Laura, latter of whom was married Juned 30, 1889, to Ray Smith, of Crestline, Ohio. Mr. Smetzer died in 1883, and the farm is now conducted by Mrs. Smetzer, who is assisted by her son. Mr. Smetzer was a Democrat in his political views. He was a prominent man in the township and held the offices of school director and supervisor. H.S. Smetzer, the only son, was born in Ripley Township, October 28, 1854, and spent his early life in Ripley and Washington Townships. He has devoted his life to farming, and is one of the prominent young men of the county. He was married in 1879 to Ora Christine, and they have had five children, four of whom are living: Eva, Thomas Lloyd, Jessie and an infant.
From Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Wayne and Holmes, Ohio, J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago, 1889