Uriah Robinson
Uriah Robison, farmer and stock raiser, is one of the prominent citizens of Prairie township. He owns a fine farm of 251 acres, which is well improved and well adapted to general farming and stock raising. He is enterprising and progressive, and on his farm can be found all modern improvements for the cultivation of the soil and diminshing the time and labor required. He is public spirited, and takes an active interest in advancing all projects of material benefit to the county, believing that public improvements advance the value of private interests.
Mr. Robison was born in Holmes County, Ohio, in 1826, a son of Hugh and Rebecca (Matson) Robison, natives of Pennsylvania, of Irish ancestry. They came to Holmes County in 1823, and made it their home the rest of their lives. The mother died in 1840, and the father in 1886, aged eighty-six years. Mr. Robison was reared on his father's farm, and as soon as old enough was obliged to assist in its cultivation, thus receiving only limited educational advantages. Realizing the loss this has been to him he has always taken an interest in schools, and has given his children the best advantages in his power. He was married in 1853 to Harriet Burgan, who was born in Wayne County, Ohio, in 1827, and they have had five children, three of whom are living: John, Rebecca, and Emma. One daughter, Esther, and an infant, unnamed, are deceased. In politics Mr. Robison gives his suffrage to the Prohibition party. He and his wife and their daughter Rebecca are consistent members of the Presbyterian Church.
From Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Wayne and Holmes, Ohio, J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago, 1889