James Rowland
James Rowland was born in Holmes County, Ohio, August 31, 1839. His paternal grandparents, William and Elizabeth (McKay) Rowland, who were natives of Maryland, had two sons, the elder William, being the father of our subject. William Rowland was born in either Maryland or Eastern Pennsylvania, and when a young man came to Holmes County, Ohio, He married Maria Seabrooks, and to them were born six children, four of whom, John K., Elizabeth, Mary and James, are living. Archibald died infancy, and Nancy Jane died in April, 1886, in her fiftieth year. On coming to Holmes County he located in Salt Creek Township, where he died in 1844; Maria, his wife, died in 1879, in her seventy-first year.
James Rowland was thus bereft of a father when but little past four years of age. As soon as old enough he began to work for farmers by the day, obtaining a fair education by making the most of his leisure time, and when but eighteen years old he began teaching school. He taught during the winter months for many years, and worked on a farm in summers. He taught eighteen winter terms and two summer terms. March 22, 1862, he enlisted in the War of the Rebellion, and was assigned to Company K, Sixty-first Ohio Infantry, and served until the close of the struggle. He participated in several severe battles, among others Second Bull Run, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and Missionary Ridge. At the close of the war he returned to his home in Salt Creek Township, and worked on a farm for a year and a half. He then rented until 1873, when he bought the first share in the home farm. He now owns seventy acres of said farm, which is located in Salt Creek Township, and which he has improved. He also owns a house and two lots in Millersburgh. Although from his boyhood he has had to rely on his own resources for his support, he has by his ambition and ability been successful, and has by his integrity gained the confidence of his fellow citizens. He has served Salt Creek Township as assessor four years, and Holmes County as school examiner nearly six years, and in 1881 he was elected county auditor, being reelected in 1884, and then appointed to fill a vacancy in the same office for ten months. He retired from public office September 10, 1888, and is now living a quiet life in Millersburgh, attending to the duties of his farm. He was married in 1866 to Lovira, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Painter) Hinkle, and to them have been born six children, five of whom are living: Harriet, Nevada, Lucina, Amanda and Lovina. Their eldest, William, was killed when nineteen years of age by falling from a joist in the barn; the joist turning with him when he stepped upon it. Mr. Rowland in his political views is a Democrat; he is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. He and his wife and the four eldest daughters are members of the Disciples Church; his son William was also a member of the same church.
From Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Wayne and Holmes, Ohio, J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago, 1889