James Neely
James Neely, who was a prominent citizen of Adams County, Pa., was the father of several well-known citizens of Holmes County. He was born in 1766, a son of John and Susan (Carr) Neely, natives of County Down, Ireland, who in their early married life settled on the farm where James was born and reared. James Neely married Sarah Obleim, a native of Adams County, of Scotch parentage, and they had a family of nine children. Mr. Neely dying in November, 1821, his widow soon afterward sold the homestead and with her four daughters--Susan, Maria S., Harriet Margaret and Elizabeth--moved to a small village near by and in 1826 through the influence of a son, came to Millersburgh, Holmes Co., Ohio, reaching here May 24. In the spring of 1827 a home was purchased near the public square, and there the mother died in 1837, aged seventy-one years. The daughters were all married in Millersburgh: Susan married Alexander Craig: Maria S. married John E. Koch; Harriet M. married Robert K. Enos. Mrs. Koch and Mrs. Enos are the only survivors of the family. Their brother, Jonathan Neely, died in Maumee City, at the age of sixty years, being a prominent citizen and the proprietor of a large hotel in that place. The representatives of this family are well known in Millersburgh, and are among the most highly respected of the pioneers.
From Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Wayne and Holmes, Ohio, J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago, 1889