Robert Long
Robert Long (deceased, late of Fayette County, Penn.), was of Irish-Scotch descent, his grandfather coming to America from the North of Ireland, and settling in Lancaster County, Penn., where a son, Robert, was born. Robert married Miss Harrah, and to them were born seven children, Robert, the subject of this sketch, being the youngest but two. He was born July 21, 1809. In 1835 he went to Danville, Knox County, Ohio, where he remained until 1842, when he removed to Gann, same county, and built a mill; here he remained until 1854, when he went to Nashville, Holmes County, and in 1859 came thence to Millersburgh. In 1867 he, with others, opened a private bank, under the firm name of Long, Brown & Co.. This partnership continued until 1872, when the bank of Long, Brown & Co. was succeeded by the First National Bank, of which Mr. Long was president, and this in turn was succeeded, in 1879, by the Commercial Bank, of which Mr. Long was president until his death.
Mr. Long was in every sense a self-made man. Receiving in his youth only a common-school educaiton, nevertheless, by his own exertions and hard study he became one of the best educated men in the county, and by upright integrity developed into a successful business man, well versed in business methods. He was one of the best read men in the county, his chief literary favorites being history and good books of all kinds, and he was gifted with a most remarkable retentive memory. He was a leading citizen of Millersburgh for nearly thirty years, and was one of the foremost in every good word and work. He was good to the poor, and all his deeds of charity were done in a quiet way. He was twice married, having by his first wife four children, of whom Mrs. John E. Koch is the only one living. For his second wife he married Frances R. Dunham, a daughter of Elisha and Lydia Dunham. Mr. Long died May 28, 1888, and his loss to Millersburgh is one that will long be felt. Mrs. Long, a most estimable lady, resides at the beautiful home left by her husband, and her many acts of kindness and charity have made her name beloved by the citizens of Millersburgh.
From Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Wayne and Holmes, Ohio, J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago, 1889