Mariman C. Lisle
Mariman C. Lisle was born August 2, 1833, and is a son of James Lisle, a native of Jefferson County, Ohio, who came to Holmes County when a young man and entered the tract of eighty acres of land now included in the farm of our subject; he also followed his trade of carpenter in connection with farming. He married Miss Sarah, daughter of Abraham Shrimplin, of Killbuck Township, and died in 1842. His widow is still living, and is now the wife of Ephraim Glesson, of Killbuck Township. They reared four children to maturity, viz: Elizabeth (deceased), who was married to Samuel Barclay; Sarah (deceased), who was married to Marion Carpenter; Mariman C., and Phoebe, widow of Andrew Porter, of Kansas.
Mariman C. Lisle received his education at the log schoolhouses, and in his youth learned the cabinet maker's trade, but has principally followed farming. In 1858 he was united in marriage with Miss Margaret, daughter of John Anderson, of Monroe Township, and they located on their present farm. They have four children: Milton, who married Miss Isabella, daughter of John Horn, of Hardy Township, and now resides in Monroe Township (they have one child, Addie); Carrie, wife of Alvin Butler, of Killbuck (have four children:Virgie, Mary, Estella and Blanchie); John C., living on the homestead, married to Miss Ella, daughter of John Albertson, of Monroe Township, and has one child, Zelpha; and Amy, at home. Mr. Lisle has always been a stanch supporter of the Democratic party, and has filled various township offices, at present serving as township trustee. He and family are members of the Disciples Church at Killbuck, of which he is a deacon.
From Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Wayne and Holmes, Ohio, J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago, 1889