John G. Luke
John G. Luke is a son of George Luke, who was born in Jefferson County, Ohio, in 1808. His parents, Jacob and Elizabeth (Davidson) Luke, were both born in Westmoreland County, Penn., of German and English descent, and first began life in Jefferson County, Ohio. From there they moved to Holmes County, and were among the very early settlers of German Township. George Luke was reared in Holmes County, and first married Mary Davidson. One child by that union is still living, Isaiah, of New Bedford, Ohio. He subsequently married Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Hugh Thompson, a native of Pennsylvania,, and a settler of German Township. Twelve children were born to them, all of whom are living: Daniel, in Indiana; Mary Ann, wife of Christian Nirote, in Farmerstown; John G.; Susanna, wife of Lewis Kaser, in German Township; Amos, in Washington D.C.; Caroline, wife of Lewis Hellmon, in German Township; Jacob, in Farmerstown; Eliza, in Farmerstown; Malinda, wife of J. W. Baker, in Farmerstown; Ellsworth, in Farmerstown; Jane, wife of John Munk, in Tuscarawas County; Sarah, living at home with her mother. Mr. Luke died January 20, 1878. He cast his suffrage with the Democratic party, and was a member of the German Reformed Church.
John G. Luke was born in German Township, August 4, 1846. He attended the township schools, and in his youth learned the carpenter's trade which he followed for three years. He then learned the cooper's trade, which he carried on eight years, and since then he has followed farming. In 1873 he was united in marriage with Miss Malinda, daughter of George Krieger, of German Township, and they have six children, viz: Lucretia Ellen, Barbara Elizabeth, Cyrus Victor, Austin Lloyd, Alma Jane and Ada Augusta. In 1863 Mr. Luke enlisted in Company M, Fifth Ohio Cavalry, and served until May 25, 1865; he was wounded at the battle of Solomon Grove, N.C. He is one of the active Democrats of the township, and has filled various local offices of trust, serving as justice of the peace six years. Mr. Luke is a member of Duncan Post, G.A.R., of New Bedford; Mrs. Luke is a member of the German Reformed Church.
From Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Wayne and Holmes, Ohio, J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago, 1889