Henry Lozier
Henry Lozier was born in Westmoreland County, Penn., in 1811, a son of George and Elizabeth (Magner) Lozier. George Lozier was born in Westmoreland County, Penn. in 1788, a son of Stofel Lozier, who came to America from Germany with his parents, when seven years of age. He (Stofel) was a weaver by trade, an occupation he followed in Virginia, and at an early date he located in Westmoreland County, moving thence in 1814 to Wayne County, Ohio. Stofel Lozier had a family of twelve sons and one daughter, and four of the sons and the daughter came with him to Ohio; three of the sons were married and had families. George Lozier onreacching manhood, first settled in Pennsylvania, but in 1814 came with his father to Wayne County, Ohio, locating on a tract of eighty acres of wild land, where he lived until 1843, when he removed to Holmes County, and settled in Washington Township where he passed the rest of his life.
Henry Lozier, the eldest son of George, was three years of age when his father and grandfather came to Ohio, and from that time his early life was spent in Wayne County on the farm. When he was thirteen years of age he left home, remaining until 1837, in which year he came to Holmes County, where he bought eighty acres of land, to which he afterward added over 200 acres. When nineteen years of age he learned the stonemason's and bricklayer's trades, at which he worked forty-five years, and in this way he earned the money with which to purchase the land. He is now resting from his labors, enjoying in his old age the comforts he has so well earned; his son, Esli, having charge of the farm. Mr. Lozier was married April 25, 1832, to Jane, daughter of George Pomeroy, and they have had eight children, two of whom are deceased. The six sons living are George, James, Nelson, Esli, Cyrus, and Sylvester. Mr. Lozier is a Republican in politics, and has served his township as school director.
From Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Wayne and Holmes, Ohio, J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago, 1889