Henry Lowe
Henry Lowe is a son of Adam Lowe, a native of Westmoreland County, Penn., who was married in that county to Miss Martha Obal, and in 1819 they came to Holmes County, Ohio, where he purchased a farm in Paint Township. He made himself wealthy by his own labor and good management, and divided five quarter-sections of land among his five children, giving each one a quarter. He was a Jacksonian Democrat, and a prominent member of the Lutheran Church. His wife died in 1838, and he in 1868. Their children were Mary (deceased); Henry; Elizabeth, wife of James Hann, in Mechanic Township; George, in Coshocton County; Adam, in Mechanic Township.
Henry Lowe was born on his present homestead October 20, 1823. He obtained but a limited education, and has always remained on his present farm of 160 acres, on which he has made fine improvements. In 1847 he was united in marriage with Miss Lavila, daughter of Solomon Fisher, a native of Washington County, Penn., and an early settler of Paint township, where Mrs. Lowe was born December 21, 1828. Four children were born to this union, three of whom are still living: Catherine, wife of Jacob Fritz, in Paint Township (have four children: Henry, Charles, Harvey and Clara ); Martha and Sarah, at home. Mr. Lowe is a supporter of the Democratic party, and has filled the office of township assessor, trustee, school director and others of trust and responsibility. He is not a member of any church, but a believer in the Divine Providence, and a supporter of all denominations.
From Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Wayne and Holmes, Ohio, J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago, 1889