E. T. Leguillon
E. T. Leguillon was born in Killbuck Township, May 5, 1858. His father, Alexander Leguillon, was born in France, January 28, 1828, and in May, 1849, left his native country for America. He lived in the State of New York for about a year, and in 1850 came to Ohio, where for a few years he worked as a laborer in Stark, Tuscarawas, Holmes and Wayne Counties. About 1857 he bought a farm in Mechanic Township, Holmes County. In 1863 he moved to Killbuck, and for three years was engaged in the grocery business; then, for about eleven years, carried on a general mercantile business. He was married in 1850 to Miss Euphemia Miller, a native of France, and to them eight children were born, three of whom are living: Joseph, in Killbuck; E. T., and Mary, wife of Samuel Winger, in Killbuck. His wife died in 1861 and he was subsequently married to Miss Lucinda Mosher, who died in 1877, leaving two children: Martin and Annie, wife of William Parkinson, both of Killbuck. Mr. Leguillon was again married, taking for his third wife Miss Mary McKinney, who died, leaving one child, Eunie P. His present wife was Mrs. Lois E. (McNeal) Clark, widow of William T. Clark.
E. T. Leguillon was reared in his native township and was given a common-school education. When a boy he entered his father's store as a clerk, and in 1877, with his brother Joseph, he purchased a general mercantile business in Killbuck. This partnership continued eight years, and in 1885 our subject became associated with R. J. Chapman. In May, 1887, Mr. Leguillon purchased his partner's interest, and he has since conducted the business alone. He is one of the rising young business men of Killbuck, and is bulding up a good trade. He was maried in 1877 to Sarah P., daughter of Isaac Shrimplin, of Killbuck, and they have three children: Nellie, Nannie and Pearl. Mr. Leguillon was reared in the Democratic school of politics, and has always adhered to the religious faith of his father, being, with his family, a member of the French Catholic Church.
From Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Wayne and Holmes, Ohio, J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago, 1889