Albert W. Logsdon
Albert W. Logsdon is a son of William Logsdon, who was born in the State of Maryland January 17, 1801. James Logsdon, the grandfather of Albert W., was a native of Maryland, and a soldier in the War of 1812. He married Miss Susanna Kelly, of Maryland, and in 1816 moved his family to Holmes County, Ohio, where he entered one-half section of land in Mechanic Township. He was a prominent and active worker for the Whig party, and held various township offices; was also a prominent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He died December 14, 1849, and his widow several years later. Their family consisted of six children, all of whom are deceased except Julia, wife of Richard Twigg, of Mechanic Township.
William Logsdon, father of the subject of this sketch, came to Holmes County when about fourteen years of age. He married Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Vincent, of Mechanic Township, and remained on his father's homestead. His wife died in 1850, the mother of four children living and three deceased. He was married, in 1851, to Miss Susan, daughter of Jonas Asire, of Mechanic Township, and to them were born five children. Mr. Logsdon was an ordained minister in the United Brethren Church, and had charge of local churches many years. He was a member of the Whig and Republican parties. He died May 3, 1888. His widow still resides on the homestead farm. His children living now, by the first wife, are Robert, residing in Nebraska; Penelope, wife of Thomas Brown, of Nebraska. The children by the second wife are Albert W., Samuel, of Nebraska; John, Hezekiah and Elijah, of Mechanic Township.
Albert W. Logsdon was born in Mechanic Township August 2, 1852. He received his education at the township schools and the Millersburgh Academy, and engaged in teaching school in the winter months for seventeen years, operating his farm during the summers. In 1876 he was united in marriage with Miss Mary Jane, daughter of John Patterson, of Coshocton County. She died October 19, 1888, leaving four children: Harry, Pearl, Victor and Grace. Mr. Logsdon has always been an active worker in the Republican party; has served various township offices. He conducts his farm of 300 acres, and is engaged in general farming and stock raising.
From Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Wayne and Holmes, Ohio, J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago, 1889