John Findley
John Findley, Hardy township, was born in Jefferson County, Ohio, in 1828, a son of David and Alice (Elliott) Findley, natives of Ireland, and a grandson of George Findley, who came to this county with his family at an early day.
Deprived of a father's care by death when but a child, John Findley was reared by his widowed mother, and remained with her until manhood. In 1847 he came to Holmes county with his brothers Moses, David and George and made his first purchase of land. He has dealt quite extensively in land, buying and selling different tracts, always making something by the deal, and has become one of the prominent and prosperous citizens of the county. His present homestead, which contains 200 acres of valuable land, is well improved, and is one of the best farms in the township. He is one of the practical farmers of the township, and his thrift and energy are witnessed by a visit to his farm. He has always taken an active interest in the prosperity of his county, though in no respect a politician. He is especially interested in the cause of education. He and his family are members of the Presbyterian Church, of which he has served as elder for twenty-five years. In politics he is a Democrat. Mr. Findley was married in 1859 to Rebecca J., daughter of Joseph Cellers, of Carroll County, Ohio, and they have had a family of six children: Mary Bell, now Mrs. McKee, who has a son named Melvin: Joseph V.; Alice J., now Mrs. Farver; Della A., Gertie L., and Harry J.
From Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Wayne and Holmes, Ohio, J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago, 1889