George Deetz
George Deetz is a son of John and Magdaline (Noel) Deetz, natives of Bedford County, Penn. In 1816 they came to Holmes County, Ohio, and entered one quarter-section of land in what is now German Township. They were prominent members of the German Reformed Church. George Deetz was born in German Township, Holmes County, February 11, 1816, was reared in that township and obtained but a limited education, as he had to assist in the farm duties as soon as old enough to work.
In 1837 he was united in marriage with Miss Mary Honey, a native of Holmes County. They lived together over forty years, and eleven children were born to their union, nine of whom are still living, viz: John, of Mechanic Township; Elizabeth, at home; Jacob, of Mechanic Township; Mary, widow of I. W. Holderbaum; Amanda, wife of Peter Weidman, of Salt Creek Township; William Albert, at home; Savilla Jane, wife of Jacob Bupp, of Salt Creek Township, and Lydia A., at home. After marriage Mr. Deetz located in Mechanic Township, where his wife died October 29, 1880. He has a good farm of 140 acres, and is engaged in raising fine stock in connection with general farming. He takes an active part in Democratic politics, and is a trustee of the German Reformed Church.
From Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Wayne and Holmes, Ohio, J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago, 1889