Benoni Dawson
Benoni Dawson, a retired farmer residing on Section 2, Prairie Township, is a native of Beaver County, Penn., born November 1, 1812, a son of John L. and Mary (Cotton) Dawson, natives of Maryland, who settled in Holmes County in 1810. On account of Indian troubles they had to return to Beaver County for a time. They reared a family of nine children, four of whom are living. The father was thrown from a horse when our subject was seven years of age, and was so severely injured, his hip being broken, that he was never again able to do hard work. He died in 1832, and his widow in 1836. Benoni, being the eldest son (although the fourth child), was thus at an early age obliged to asume responsibilities much beyond his years. He worked hard to assist in the maintenance of the family, remaining with his parents as long as they lived. His life has been one of toil and deprivation, but he is now rewarded by having a comfortable home for his old age, where he is surrounded by friends and loved ones, and his last days are spent in peace and plenty. His wife, who has been his partner in all the cares and trials of life, for over fifty years, is still spared to him, and together they are descending the hill of life, an example of beautiful old age.
Mr. Dawson was married in 1835 to Ellen Anderson, a native of Pennsylvania born in 1811, a daughter of William and Margaret (Huey) Anderson, former a native of Pennsylvania, latter of New York city, both being of Irish descent. They were among the early settlers of Holmes County, coming here in 1815. They reared a family of nine children, but two of whom are living; their mother died in 1838, and their father in 1841.
Mr. and Mrs. Dawson have had a family of eight children, five of whom are living, all married. John L., married Mary McClellan, and has five children: Orien M., Elizabeth A., Benoni, Daisy M. and Allen B.C.; Jane L. is the wife of Josiah Harne, of Missouri; Mary E. is the wife of Ezra Carleton, of Missouri, and has two children: Margaret E. and Jennie L.; Louisa, who lives on the home farm, is the wife of William Conn, and has three children: Anna M., Mary D. and John B.; Rachel A. is the wife of Peter Croco, of Kansas, and has two children: Homer C. and John L. The deceased are Mary, Elizabeth and Margaret. In politics Mr. Dawson has been a life-long Democrat.
From Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Wayne and Holmes, Ohio, J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago, 1889