Ohio Biographies

Adams Family

Since 1816 this family has been one of the most prominent, financially and socially, in Holmes County.

JAMES ADAMS was born in Juniata (then Mifflin) County, Penn., in 1790. His parents being very poor, at the age of fourteen years he was bound out to strangers, and learned the trade of a sickle maker, at which he worked until coming to Ohio, in 1816. Here he purchased three quarter-sections of land, the county farm being part of his tract. But little of his land had been cleared of timber, and the success attained by Mr. Adams was due entirely to his own energy and perseverance. He owned all the land first purchased until a short time before his death, when he sold a quarter-section, living to see a forest converted into fields of growing grain. Mr. Adams was married in Ohio to Miss Jane Miller, of Washington County, her parents having moved to the Buckeye State when she was quite small. Six children were born to them: Joseph, John, Catherine, George, James and Albert, only two of whom--George and James--are now living. Mr. Adams died at the age of seventy-three years, his wife having departed this life many years before, at the age of forty-nine years.

GEORGE ADAMS was born November 2, 1836, and spent his life on his father's farm. He enlisted in the defense of his country, and served over two years in Company C, Sixty-seventh Ohio Infantry. Returning from the war, hw sold his farm and settled in Millersburgh, where, with his brother Joseph, he engaged in banking, and since his brother's death he has continued the business, his brother's sons being associated with him.

The J. and G. adams Bank is known throughout the State, and is rearded as one of the most reliable and safe institutions of its clas ikn the country. Mr. Adams is one of the representative business men in Millersburgh, adn stands high in the estimation of all who know him. He is amemer of the United Presbyterian Church, as are also his wife and daughters. He takes an active interest in the Grand ARmy of the Republic, and also in the political affairs of his county, voting with the Republican party. He was married May 23, 1867, to Nancy J. Anderson, daugther of John Anderson, and to them werre born three children, but two of whom are living: Ella and Kate.

JOSEPH ADAMS, late senior member of the firm of J. and G. Adams, was born August 20, 1828. For a number of years in early life he taught school, and later devoted several years to farming and saw-milling. He was the founder of the banking institution that still bears his name, with which he was identified until his death. He was married March 30, 1853, to Margaret J., daughter of Robert Cameron, and to them were born six children: Albert C., born October 29, 1854; William Weldon, March 8, 1856; an infant, April 5, 1858; Jessie, in June 1859; Mary Alice, now Mrs. Carey, November 8, 1861; Lula M., September 3, 1866. Albert C., William W., and Mary A. are the only ones now living. Mr. Adams died January 18, 1887, and his wife September 27, 1885. He was one of the most prominent businessmen of Holmes County, and was recognized by all as upright, honorable and fairdealing.

ALBERT D. ADAMS, son of Joseph, was given good educational advantages, and was thus fitted to assume the business responsibilities of life. Since his father's death he has been cashier of the Adams Bank. He was married in 1882 to Flora McDonald, and they have two children: Blanche and an infant.

WILLIAM W. ADAMS has for the past ten years been prominently identified with the lumber and planing mill interests of Millersburgh. He was married April 14, 1887, to Lizzie Hecker, daughter of Stephen Hecker.

ALBERT AND WILLIAM WELDON ADAMS are young men of fine business ability and are numbered among the rising young men of Holmes County. They are prominent members of the Presbyterian Church, having been reared to the faith of their father, and in politics they are stanch Republicans.


From Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Wayne and Holmes, Ohio, J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago, 1889


