W. A. Smith
W. A. Smith, manager of the Chicago Lumber Company, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1854. In 1857, his parents emigrated to Wisconsin, locating in Trempeleau, and from there emigrated to Illinois, remaining a short time. Thence to St. Louis, and then returned to Trempeleau, Wis. In 1872, took a commercial course at the celebrated LaCrosse Business College, graduating in the spring of 1873. He then located at Bangor, and engaged in the grain trade, and was engaged in this business at different points in Wisconsin until 1876, when he moved to Kansas, locating at Clay Centre, and was there nearly one year as weigher in the elevator; thence to Concordia, and took charge of the Chicago Lumber Company's yards at that point until February, 1879, when he was put in charge of their business at Scandia. He has worked up a good trade for them, and has given satisfaction to the public and his employers. Is a young man of enterprise and ability, and will give satisfaction wherever he fills a position. Was married September 14, 1881, at Belleville, Kan., to Miss L. A. Hallowell, of that place. Mr. Smith is a member of Scandia Lodge No. 155, I. O. O. F., Orion Lodge No. 50, K. of P., and of Lebanon Lodge under dispensation A., F. & A. M.
From William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas, published in 1883 by AT Andreas, Chicago, IL