Ohio Biographies

The Sater Family

The Sater family is of an old Maryland descent. Henry Sater came from England in 1709 and settled for a time at Jamestown, Virginia, and finally at Chestnut Ridge, near Baltimore, Maryland. His wife's maiden name was Dorcas Gossage. They were parents of Joseph Sater, who was born December 25, 1753, the youngest child of the family, soon after which his father died. He emigrated from Baltimore county, near the city of that name, in 1811, to the Miami country. His wife's maiden name was Hannah Levering, born January 16, 1764, and died April 9, 1854, aged ninety years, two months and twenty. four days. She was of French and German descent, daughter of Colonel Levering, one of the prominent heroes of the Revolution. They brought the surviving members of their family with them - three sons and three daughters. They landed at Cincinnati, and pushed their way across the country to the fertile Congress lands beyond the Great Miami, where he first settled among friends near Harrison, and then, in 1812, he farmed a place at Round Bottom, in the Little Miami valley. In 1813 he bought a tract of about three hundred acres from Captain Jacob White, occupied by his son, Providence White, at ten dollars per acre, having declined to purchase in the Mill Creek valley, where Cumminsville now stands, on the ground that it was too high The original Sater tract is now in part the property of John and Jacob Schwing, adjoining the farm of Thomas E. Sater, and in part is owned by the Shaker society. Here Joseph Sater made his pioneer improvements, and remained until his death, which occurred October 27, 1833, at the age of seventy-nine years, two months and two days. Among his children was Thomas Sater, fifth son, who is the only survivor of the family in his generation. He resides near Mount Pleasant, Iowa, in his eighty-first year. The second son was William Sater, who was born September 17, 1793, in Maryland, occupied a portion of the home place in Crosby township, after his father's death, built the brick mansion in which his son Thomas now lives, in 1831 and died there January 30, 1849. His wife was Miss Nancy JONES, of Welsh and Scotch stock, daughter of a pioneer from Maryland, John Jones, who was born March 4, 1754, and immigrated to the valley of the Whitewater in 1809, died in July, 1820. Her natal day was August 3, 1790. She was married to Mr. Sater in September, 1813, and died September 3, 1871. Their children were:

John Jones, born June 10, 1814; married Nancy Larrison February 19, 1834; died April 3, 1864. Had thirteen children - eleven sons and two daughters.

Hannah, born July 16, 1816, died in infancy.

Eliza Ann, born January 8, 1818; married to William B. Hill in June, 1843; resides in Springfield township, two and one half miles north of Mount Pleasant. They have two sons and three daughters.

Sarah, born December 19, 1819; married James Gwaltney, February 7, 1843; resides in Butler county, Morgan township; has nine children - three sons and six daughters.

William, born September 2, 1822; married in the spring of 1844, Sarah Jane Skillman; had two sons and two daughters; resided in Butler county, near his sister, and died April 4, 1852.

Joseph, who is noticed at length below.

Oliver, born June 20, 1829; married Maria Foster, March 30, 1852; had five children all sons two living; occupied the cabin built by his grandfather at the old home until about 1858, when he built a larger house on the same premises, and died there November 7, 1860.

Thomas E., who is noticed in a biography elsewhere.


From History of Hamilton county, Ohio, Henry & Kate Ford, L. A. Williams & Co., Publishers, 1881



