Ohio Biographies

Albert Wheeler Schell

The insurance business has shown great development during the last quarter of a century, especially in the large cities, and the men who manage the agencies are among the most active and efficient factors in metropolitan life. Of this number is Albert W. Schell, of Cincinnati. He is a native of Geneva, New York, born December 14, 1861, and is a son of Henry C. Schell, who was born in England in 1827. The father came to America and engaged in the insurance and banking business at Geneva. In 1872 he was invited by J. B. Bennett, an organizer of several insurance companies, to come to Cincinnati and accept the position of superintendent of agencies for the Amazone Insurance Company. He accepted the invitation, but in 1877 resigned from his position and started the Queen City Fire Insurance Agency, which became a leading concern of the kind in the city. The mother of our subject, Harriet C. Black before her marriage, was a native of Virginia and the mother of eight children, all of whom are now living, namely: Robert H., of Jonesville, Michigan; Evelyn, the widow of William A. Widney, of Washington, D. C.; William Frederick, of Wichita, Kansas; Richard D., who lives in New York city; Phylena, who is the wife of George C. Chambers, of Hagerstown, Maryland; Albert W., of this review; John D., of Chicago; and Harriet C., who is now the wife of Frank D. Bristley, of Indianapolis.
Albert W. Schell received his early education in the public schools of Geneva and Cincinnati and grew up under highly favorable conditions for an active and useful business life. In 1879, at the age of eighteen years, he entered the insurance business under his father and has ever since been connected with insurance interests. He was made district manager of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company January 1, 1897, and represents many of the leading companies of this country and Europe, including the Commercial Union Assurance Company, the Phoenix Assurance Company and the Employers Liability Assurance Corporation, all of England; also the Commonwealth Insurance Company and the New York Plate Glass Insurance Company, both of New York; and the Steam Boiler & Inspection Company of Hartford, Connecticut, and several other important organizations. Possessing a good address he readily makes friends and his progress from the beginning of this business career has been steadily forward.

On the 4th of September, 1889, Mr. Schell was married to Miss Alice B. West, a native of Cincinnati and daughter of Robert H. and Katherine (Wunder) West. Two children have blessed this union: Albert West, who is now a student in the fire prevention engineering course of the Armour Institute of Chicago; and Katherine.

Mr. Schell is a man of activity, energy and integrity and has a remarkably thorough knowledge of matters pertaining to insurance. He conscientiously guards the interests of his clients and his business has increased from year to year until he is now one of the leading agency men of the city. Politically he is independent, voting for the man rather than the party. He holds membership in the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce and the Business Men's Club and is always interested in their work. He is a sincere believer in the Christian religion and is now serving as junior warden of Grace Episcopal church of Avondale, being also an active worker of the Episcopal Church Club.


From Cincinnati, The Queen City, Volume III, by Rev. Charles Frederic Goss, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1912



