Joseph M. Rearden
Joseph M. Rearden, of Cheviot, formerly county commissioner of Hamilton county, is of Irish descent, his father, Thomas R., having come from Ireland in 1812, leaving Limerick and coming by the way of England, where he stayed a while; landed in Philadelphia, where Joseph was born, in 1837, on the nineteenth of March. In 1852, Thomas removed to Green township, one mile west of Dent. Mr. Rearden completed his studies about the year 1851, in St. Xavier's college, Cincinnati, and then went south, making application to General Walker to enter the fillibuster service, but was not received on account of his age. From 1852 until 1875 he followed the business of farming, since which time his county has called him to various offices of trust. After the war, beginning in 1865, he served three terms as trustee of the township, was also deputy treasurer, member of the board of education, and in October, 1875, was elected county commissioner, serving until 1877, and receiving a county majority of 1,713, and a township majority of 146. He was married to Mary E. Miller in 1857.
From History of Hamilton county, Ohio, Henry & Kate Ford, L. A. Williams & Co., Publishers, 1881