Fitzgerald Brothers' Company
The Fitzgerald Brothers’ Company, of Cincinnati, grain and hay commission merchants, is the outgrowth of a partnership known as The Fitzgerald Brothers, which was established June 1, 1910. The company was incorporated the following November with E. A. Fitzgerald as president, and R. S. Fitzgerald as secretary and treasurer. The sales are made on the floor of the exchange and the company is one of the responsible and flourishing organizations identified with that body.
E. A. Fitzgerald, the elder of the brothers, was born in Cincinnati in 1872 and is a son of Stephen and Maria (Guerin) Fitzgerald, the former of whom was a native of Canada. The father came to Cincinnati and was for many years identified with the dry-goods business in this city. He died at the age of fifty-one, in 1894. The son E. A. was educated in the public schools. He entered the service of the claim department of the Big Four Railroad when he was sixteen years of age. Subsequently he gave up railway employment and became connected with the grain firm of Peter Van Leunen. Since 1910 he has given his attention to the grain and hay commission business. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and also of the Elberon Country Club. In 1907 he was married to Miss Elizabeth Mongan, a daughter of Terrance Mongan, of this city. She was for several years a successful teacher in the public schools and is a lady of fine education and many admirable traits of character.
R. S. Fitzgerald, the younger of the Fitzgerald brothers, is also a native of Cincinnati. He was born December 18, 1882, and in the public schools received his preliminary education. Like his brother, he gained his first knowledge of practical business affairs in the claim department of the Big Four Railway and continued with that road until 1906. After retiring from the railway service he was employed by the Gale Brothers Company, grain dealers, and continued with the firm for about four years. Since June, 1910, he has been connected with the grain and hay commission business. He is an active member of the Chamber of Commerce and also of the Elberon Country Club.
The Fitzgerald brothers early became acquainted with the railway business and also gained a thorough knowledge of the grain business. As commission men they find themselves in a congenial field for which they were well prepared by years of experience. Possessing attractive personal characteristics and sound business judgment, their success from the start has been assured, and there is every reason to prophesy for the company which they represent a steady increase in prosperity as the years pass.
From Cincinnati, The Queen City, Volume III, by Rev. Charles Frederic Goss, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1912