Christopher Flinchpaugh
Christopher Flinchpaugh was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, in 1799, and came to America in 1817, settling in Miami township the same year. He was married to Elizabeth Columbia in 1821. Three years later he embraced religion, and the same year commenced preaching the gospel. He was a member of the United Brethren church. He used to have such men in his congregation as General Harrison, Judge Short, and numerous other distinguished men of our country. When he became a Christian he could neither read nor write. A short time after he began in the ministry he was assigned to a circuit of four hundred miles. The distance had to be travelled on horseback, and he was obliged to preach thirty-two times every four weeks. He filled the pulpit in Cincinnati, in both the English and German churches, and was presiding elder two years. At present he is retired, but preaches occasionally. He is highly respected by all who know him, and has indeed been a public benefactor. His faithful wife died July 30, 1880, at the advanced age of seventy eight. They have had twelve children: Jacob; William; Caleb; Christopher; Simon, married to Sarah Swayen; Mary, the wife of Caleb Renunger; Christina, the wife of Adam Swartz, of Indiana; Henrietta, the wife of Jesse Herron; Charlotte, now married to Charles Becker; Hannah, Mrs. John Swayen; Elizabeth, married to Francis Markle and Susie.
From History of Hamilton county, Ohio, Henry & Kate Ford, L. A. Williams & Co., Publishers, 1881