James Carnahan
James Carnahan was born in the year 1773, in the State of Pennsylvania. From this State he emigrated to Springfield township in 1797, or 1798. By occupation he was a farmer during the greater part of his life, but at one time worked as a teamster, and at another time helped in the first pottery in that part of the country. His wife's name was Jane Piatt. He died in the year 1848. Of his family remain Mary Hubbell; Jane, who is still unmarried, and resides at Walnut Hilts; and William, the only male representative. He was born on the old homestead, in Springfield township, in 1804. In early life he worked in a pottery, which he afterwards gave up, as it impaired his health. He then followed the grocery business for almost half a century in New Burlington. He married, in the year 1829, Miss Maria L. Davis, of Warren county. To them were born nine children -- G. A., Allen W., Piatt, James L., William, Catharine J., Amanda, Evaline, and Mary A. William, Mary and Evaline are not living. Both Mr. and Mrs. Carnahan are members of the Disciple church, and have always been accounted among its best supporters. He and his companion are living -- she at the age of seventy-nine, and he in his seventy-sixth year. He is postmaster at New Burlington (transit post office), at the present time.
From History of Hamilton county, Ohio, Henry & Kate Ford, L. A. Williams & Co., Publishers, 1881