Ohio Biographies

Otto Armleder

As a manufacturer Otto Armleder, of Cincinnati, years ago gained an established reputation and wagons from his factory are in active demand in every part of the United States and many foreign countries. The large business of which he is the head has been developed through his ability and energy and is a worthy tribute to well directed effort. He comes of Teutonic ancestry on both sides of the house and is a native of Cincinnati, born October 15, 1862. His father, John Armleder, was born in Germany in 1827 and came to America in the early part of the ‘50s. He died in 1872. During the war he was a member of the Home Protectors in Kentucky. The mother, Maria Geiser before her marriage, was born in Germany in 1830, and died in October 1894.

Otto Armleder received his early education in Dayton, Ohio and at St. Xavier College, later graduating at the Queen City Commercial College. After leaving the commercial college he began learning the flour milling business, in which he continued for six months. He then went into the beer bottling business on his own account, although only seventeen years of age, as the Cincinnati Beer Bottling Company. The venture proved successful but the field was not wide enough for an ambitious young man and at the age of twenty he embarked in the wagon-making business on the south side of Longworth Street, the title of the firm being Armleder & Company. He employed twenty men and applied himself with such ability that it became necessary to secure larger quarters and he moved to a six story building on the north side of the same street, to which he later added two more stories. He also opened a factory on Hunt Street and maintained a mill at Carr and Seventh Streets. In 1904 he moved to the site which he now occupies at Twelfth and Plum Streets and consolidated the various branches of the business at that point. The plant covers an area of one hundred and twenty-five thousand square feet and the company now employees two hundred and sixty persons, its name being favorably known throughout every part of the United States. Heretofore Mr. Armleder confined his business to the manufacture of wagons exclusively but he is now beginning the manufacture of commercial automobiles, for which he sees an increasing demand.

On the 19th of November 1889, Mr. Armleder was married at Cincinnati, to Miss. Katherine Manss, a daughter of Henry and Helen (Fitzgerald) Manss, both of whom are now deceased. In politics Mr. Armleder votes independently, as he prefers to support the man rather than to give his adherence to any political organization. He is a Scottish Rite Mason of the thirty-second degree and a Shriner, being also a life member of the Elks. Socially he is well known. He takes an active interest in club life and is a member of the Business Men’s Club and the Queen City, Avondale Golf, Cuvier Press, Pen and Pencil and Laughery Clubs. He is a man of pleasing address and his genial nature has attracted many friends, who place in him their complete confidence. He may truly be designated as one of the substantial, representative citizens of Cincinnati. For many years he has been active in every movement for the advancement of Cincinnati’s interests and was president of the fall festivals of 1903 and 1906, both of which were artistic and financial successes.


From Cincinnati, The Queen City, Volume III by Rev. Charles Frederic Goss, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1912



