Benjamin T. Archer
Benjamin T. Archer, who has been engaged in the practice of law in Cincinnati since June 1898, and has applied himself with a zeal and ability productive of highly gratifying results, was born near Amelia, Clermont county, Ohio, January 17, 1876. His father, James S. Archer, was born at the same place, November 16, 1849. He was a farmer and a flour and feed merchant. He is now living retired in Amelia. The mother, Rosella Tone before her marriage was born near Amelia and is now deceased. There were three children in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Archer: Benjamin T, of this review; Mabelle, who is the wife of Mr. Emmett A. Fagin, of Muskogee, Oklahoma; and Rosella T., who is the wife of Charles A. Ford, of Washington, D. C.
Mr. Archer of this review attended the common schools of Clermont county and carried his studies further in the high school of Amelia and Woodward high school, of Cincinnati. He was a student in the University of Cincinnati and the Ohio State University, graduating at the Ohio State University with the degree of LL. D. in 1898. In June of the same year he began practice in this city. Two years later he entered into partnership with State Senator George W. Hardacre, which association continued until 1903, when Senator Hardacre removed to Portland, Oregon, Mr. Archer succeeding to the legal business of the firm. He engages in general civil law practice with offices at 61-62 Atlas Bank building, and by faithful attention to the interests of his clients and the application of marked energy and ability he has gained a reputation as one of the thoroughly capable lawyers of the city. He has shown himself perfectly at home in the courtroom and has won a large percentage of the cases entrusted to his care. Being a good counselor, he has been instrumental by well timed advice in greatly advancing the interests of many who have sought his services without resorting to the usual processes of the courts.
On the 6th of June, 1906, Mr. Archer was married to Miss Martha E. Rooney, a native of Cincinnati. Her father died when she was a child and the maiden name of her mother was Eva O. Galloway. Two promising children have come to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archer: Martha Mildred, who was born May 30, 1907; and Mary Jane, born November 21, 1909. Mr. Archer is a prominent Scottish Rite Mason. He is past master of his lodge and has taken the degrees of the blue lodge, chapter, commandery and shrine. He is also a valued member of the Knights of Pythias. He is well known in social circles and holds membership in the Business Men's Club, the Stamina League and the Hyde Park Business Men's Club. Always prompt and efficient in the discharge of obligations, he has gained the confidence of his fellowmen and his clients are to be found among the leading citizens of the city. He is endowed with an attractive appearance and address and, as he possesses an intimate knowledge of the principles of law and carries forward his work with undiminished interest, the future holds forth for him the promise of increasing prosperity.
From Cincinnati, The Queen City, Volume III by Rev. Charles Frederic Goss, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1912