Ohio Biographies

Frank Zeiner

Frank Zeiner, a member of the firm of Zeiner Brothers,- furniture dealers and undertakers at Jamestown, is a native son of Greene county and has lived here all his life. He was born in Cedarville on February 15, 1855, a son of John G. and Mary (Barr) Zeiner, the former of whom was of European birth, a native of the city of Bremen, and the latter a Pennsylvanian, who were married at Lewistown, Pennsylvania, and later came to Ohio and settled in this county, about 1862 moving from the Cedarville neighborhood to Jamestown, where John G. Zeiner opened an establishment for the manufacture and sale of furniture and developed the concern now operated by his sons. To John G. Zeiner and wife were born six children, of whom the subject of this sketch was the first-born, the others being Margaret, wife of Cal Crane, of Xenia; Albert, who married Famey Ginn and makes his home in Jamestown, where he is associated in business with bis brother Frank: James O., who was murdered at Bowersville, state, about thirty years ago; Florence, who married Charles Ridgeway and lives at Cedarville, and J. W., of Jamestown.

Having been but seven years of age when his parents moved from the Cedarville neighborhood to Jamestown, Frank Zeiner completed his schooling in the schools of the latter village and early became employed in his father's cabinet-shop and furniture store, making coffins when he was but fourteen years of age. He also became a carpenter and builder and after he had attained his majority was for about three years engaged in building operations in and about Jamestown. He then resumed the furniture and undertaking business, in association with his father, and after his father's death with his brother Albert, and the firm firm [sic] of Zeiner Brothers has ever since been thus engaged at Jamestown.

Mr. Zeiner has been twice married. In 1879, He was united in marriage to Anna Hickson, daughter of Elbridge and Ellen Hickson, of Jamestown, and to this union were born two daughters, Una Clare and Frances, the latter of whom married Glade Thomas, now living at Elyria, and has two children. Miss Una Clare Zeiner, who died in New York City at the age of twenty-one years, just as she had reached a point of assured success as a dramatic reader and actress, was fitted both by nature and preparation to be a reader and competent critics had, bestowed upon her compliments which more experienced readers would be glad to claim. From the days of her childhood Miss Zeiner had been accustomed to public appearances and had earned some very complimentary press notices, among these having been references to her "wonderful dramatic talent," her "remarkable versatility," her "rare ability as a reader," her "unmistakable talent and pleasing personality" and her "wonderful powers as an elocutionist." Mrs. Anna Zeiner died in 1899 and on January 12, 1905, Mr. Zeiner married Alice Sheffield, of Athens, this state. To this latter union one child has been born, a daughter. Marguerite, born in 1911. Mr. and Mrs. Zeiner are members of the Methodist Episcopal church.


From History of Greene County Ohio, Its People, Industries and Institutions, vol. 2. M.A.Broadstone, editor. B.F.Bowen & Co., Indianapolis. 1918



