William Waddle
William Waddle, farmer and stock raiser, was born in Ireland, May 10, 1827. He is the son of Francis W. and Anna Waddle, who were natives of Ireland. Coming to America in 1840, they located in Chillicothe, Ohio. They were the parents of three daughters and two sons: Elizabeth married, and lives in Ross County, Ohio. Margaret and Ellen were twins; both are dead. Francis is married, and owns and lives on a farm joining our subject's. William married Miss Dorcas Murry, daughter of George Murry, who lived near Kingston, Pickaway County, Ohio, in 1852. They lived six years in Ross County, when he purchased a portion of what was known as the Trustin Adams farm, in this township, situated on the Snow Hill pike, about one mile west from Rattlesnake Creek. In 1858 they removed to this farm, where they still remain.
Mr. Waddle and wife, by economy and industry, have been able to purchase other lands, so that the farm, or farms, contains eight hundred and fifty acres, in a good state of cultivation. They are out of debt. They are the parents of eleven children, five sons and six daughters: Rebecca, the eldest, married John W. Hoppis, with whom she lived some ten years, when she died with consumption, leaving three children. On the 25th of November, 1880, Mr. Hoppis married for his second wife, Anna, the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Waddle. George is a promising son, twenty-six years of age, single, and at home with his parents. He has recently been ordained a minister of the gospel in the Old School Baptist Church, and is said to be a most excellent young man. The son-in-law, Mr. Hoppis, occupies the same relation to the Baptist Churcli. William is married, and lives on the home farm. Lucy, John, Mary, Oliver, Ida, Dora, and Joseph, are at home with their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Waddle feel that they have been highly favored by the Divine Being. Out of a family of eleven children, they have had but one death, and that daughter died in the triumphs of the Christian religion. Except at the birth of their children, they never but once had occasion to call a physician to their aid. In politics, Mr. Waddle is a Democrat. In religion, the family are Old School Baptists, much attached to the church of their choice, and devoted to the service of the Saviour.
From R. S. Dills' History of Fayette County