Silas Wolf
Silas Wolf, farmer, was born in August, 1884, near Waltkirch, Baden, Germany. His father, Joseph, was a native of the same place, and was there married to Maria Traenkle, who was born near the same locality. She bore him seven children: Joseph, Anton, Maria, Silas, Caroline, Kawiesentz, George, and Charles, the latter deceased. Mr. Wolf died about 1870, his wife preceding him to the grave in 1842. He was in the war during the years 1814 and 1815; was wounded, and received a pension for his gallant service.
Silas Wolf came to this country in 1854; was on the ocean forty-three days, during which time he encountered many storms, which threatened the destruction of the ship. He arrived at Greenfield on the 19th of May, and began working for the farmers of the vicinity, continuing nine years, and then purchased land below Greenfield, where he lived several vears; next removed to Minnesota, where he remained three months, then returned to Greenfield about February 1, 1867, and in the fall of the same year purchased his present farm.
In 1871, he married Rosa Gangel, of Wittenberg, Germany, who bore him one child, Emil, who is living. She was a member of the Catholic Church, lived a devoted life, and died in 1874. He was again married, December 25, 1876, to Margaret Galbert, of Pennsylvania, which resulted in two children, Rosa and Elizabeth, both living. Himself and wife attend the Catholic Church at Greenfield. He has never aspired to ofiice, and is a Democrat in politics. He owns ninety acres on the Good Hope and Greenfield pike, three miles from the latter place, well improved, and on which he has erected a handsome residence.
From R. S. Dills' History of Fayette County