Jacob Wright
A prominent farmer of Fayette county, who passed away more than half a century ago, was Jacob Wright, whose daughter is still living in this county at the advanced age of seventy-six. Jacob Wright was a typical pioneer and a man who exerted much influence in the community where he lived for so many years.
Jacob Wright was born on October 2, 1808, and died in Fayette county, Ohio, April 12, 1862. His father. Jacob Wright, was a native of Frederick county, Virginia, and first settled in Ohio on Sugar creek in this county. Later Jacob Wright, Sr., moved to the old Herr farm in Jefiferson township. and bought this farm of one hundred acres on which he lived until his death. Jacob Wright, Sr., was educated in Frederick county, Virginia, and was a life-long farmer, although he carried on blacksmithing to some extent in connection with his farm work.
Jacob Wright, Jr.,Was married to Susannah Mason, who was born in 1797, and to this union two children were born, Joseph and Mary J. Joseph was born April 6, 1836, and married Martha Sherritt, and they were the parents of five children, John, Ella, Mary J., Martha and Esther.
Mary J. Wright was born March 28, 1838, and was first married to Joseph Maxwell, and by this union has one son, Joseph B. Joseph B. was married to Louisa Berry, and had a family of five children, John, George, Clarence. Chester and Forrest. Joseph B. Maxwell was educated in the schools of Fayette county, and is now a prominent farmer in Arkansas. The first husband of Mary J. Wright died in 1862, and some time later she was married to Jacob Everett, who died March 12. 1881. There were no children by her second marriage. Since the death of her husband in 1881, Mrs. Everett has been managing her farm and has shown marked ability in operating it. She and her father were consistent members of the Baptist church, and she has always taken an active interest in the affairs of her denomination. Her father was a member of the first county survey of Fayette county. She has seventy-five acres of land, which is well improved and which she rents.
From History of Fayette County Ohio - Her People, Industries and Institutions by Frank M. Allen (1914, R. F. Bowen & Company, Inc.)