Jacob Whitesel
Jacob Whitesel, butcher, Washington, was born in Pickaway County, December 12, 1832, and is a son of George and Mary Whitesel; his father a native of Virginia, and his mother of Pickaway County, Ohio. They were married January 10, 1822, his wife being Miss Mary Sidener. His grandparents were Nicholas Whitesel, born in Germany, February, 1755, and Elizabeth West, born in Pennsylvania, in 1754. George and Mary had a family of twelve children, six sons and six daughters, all living but the two youngest.
Jacob, the subject of our sketch, was married June 1, 1865, to Miss Sarah A. King, daughter of Henry and Mary King, of Baltimore, Ohio. They have one child, Minnie Bell. Mr. Whitesel is a member of Ringgold Lodge No. 90, I. 0. O. F., of Greenfield, Ohio; is also a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He received his education in Pickaway County, where he lived until he was thirty-two years of age, when he removed to near Lancaster, Ohio, and engaged in pike making some six months. He then engaged in the drug and grocery business, at Rushville, for about two years; and then went to Highland County, bought a farm, and worked it some eight years, when he sold out and came to Washington, where he engaged in butchering, which he still follows.
From R. S. Dills' History of Fayette County