Ohio Biographies

Cyrus Patterson West

The best title one can establish to the high and generous esteem of an intelligent community is a protracted and honorable residence therein. Cyrus P. West, one of the largest land owners of the county and one of the best known and highly esteemed men of this section, has resided here many years and the genuine liking and universal respect accorded him by all speak volumes for the exemplary life he has led. Mr. West takes a justifiable pride in the fact that he can trace his family directly back into the early seventeenth century and that in their various days and environments his ancestors have all been good men and true, each seeking to benefit his generation to the best of his ability. Mr. West has won special renown throughout this section by reason of the excellent strain of Shorthorn cattle which he has produced.

Cyrus Patterson West is a native of the old Buckeye state, born in Highland county on November 9, 1845, the family residence at that time being near Hillsboro. He is a son of Allen and Isabelle (Patterson) West, Allen having been born and reared on the same farm where the subject first saw the light of day. Allen West received his education in the schools of the county and followed in his father's footsteps as a farmer and raiser of stock, being highly successful in his business ventures. He was a devout member of the Christian church and was one of the most active and influential Grangers in these parts. He was a broad-minded and svmpathetic man, whose kindly disposition won him many friends and whose helping hand was extended to all in need. Both he and his good wife lie buried in the old cemetery at Hillsboro. Allen West was a son of John and Barbara (Platter) West, and John was a son of Joseph and Judith (Ballinger) West. Joseph, the great-grandfather of the immediate subject, was a soldier during the early struggle of the colonies for independence, and from 1777 until 1782 was under Col. William Grayson, enlisting from Virginia. He received his discharge from Gen. George Washington, all of which is duly certified to by Levend Powell, late lieutenant-colonel of the regiment in question. (National Serial No. 73,746). The father of this Joseph West was also named Joseph, his mother being Jane Owens, who came from Delaware. This Joseph West was a son of John and Sarah ( Pearson) West, natives of England. John was born in that country in 1684. came to America in his earlier life, and later returned to his native land, where he died in 1764 at a ripe old age. This is as far back as the present members of the family can trace their lineage and is a record most highly prized.

Cyrus P. West received his early education at the Beechwood school in Highland county, later attending the higher grades at Lebanon, this state. From the time he was a small boy he assisted the father in the work about the farm, showing a special aptitude in the care of stock. After his school days were over, he remained with the father on the homestead until twenty-three years of age, when he started out life for himself by purchasing six hundred and eighty acres of land in this county. He has succeeded well in his various undertakings and now owns one thousand acres of excellent land located in Madison and Marion townships. Mr. West devotes considerable time and acreage to the raising of grain, but this is principally for his own feeding. He is known far and wide as a breeder of Shorthorn cattle and has produced many extremely fine animals.

On December 25, 1877, Mr. West was united in marriage with Lida Smith, daughter of Frederick and Sarah (Smith) Smith, of Madison county. (While of the same family name, no relationship existed between Mrs. West's parents.) To their reunion have been born five children: Imogene, the oldest, is dead; Stella is a graduate of Bloomingburg high school and attended the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware; Fred married Elizabeth R. Jenkins; Allen P. shoce Mary Hewitt as his wife and to them have been born three children, Cyrus H., Robert A. and Dorothy; Sallie, the youngest of the family, is the wife of Elton Marine. The family has always been looked up to as among the leading ones of this section and because of some special advantages have each contributed their share to the general development of the community. Mr. West is an earnest member of the Christian church and gladly gives to the best of his ability to forward the work of the local society. Politically, he is affiliated with the Republican party, but has never given much time to such matters. However, he has served Madison township most efficiently as trustee. He is one of the leading Grangers in this section and has done much to forward the interests of that organization. Mr. West has throughout his lifetime shown himself worthy of the high esteem in which he is held. His life has been filled with activity and usefulness, while his untiring energy and ability have secured for him a conspicuous and honorable place among the citizens of the community. His strict integrity and unpretending bearing have elevated him in the confidence of his fellow citizens, and his influence has always been exerted in the interest of those things which have helped to elevate his fellow men socially, morally and educationally. Because of his successful career and his high personal character, he is eminently entitled to representation among the leading men of the county.


From History of Fayette County Ohio - Her People, Industries and Institutions by Frank M. Allen (1914, R. F. Bowen & Company, Inc.)



John West, the grandfather of Cyrus P. West, was a native of Virginia, coming to Ohio in about A. D. 1800. His wife was Barbara Plotter. They settled on Haller's Bottom, near Chillicothe, on Paint Creek. The Plotters were Pennsylvanians. John and Barbara West were the parents of Sallle, George, Isaac, Huldah, Allen P., John, Amos, Catherine, and Andrew P. The Wests are noted for being tall and heavily built, and, with one exception, are Republican in their politics.

Cyrus P. West is the oldest child of Allen and Isabel (Patterson) West, of Ohio. They were the parents of four children: Cyrus P., Robert, Sarah J., and Mary Josephine. The Pattersons were Pennsylvanians, and Moses Patterson, the maternal grandfather of our subject, was in the war of 1812. Robert and Sarah Patterson were the parents of Isabel, Margaret, Sarah, Ellen, and Josephine.

Our subject was born, November 9, 1845. His early life was spent in Highland County, near Hillsboro. He was married, December 25, 1877, to Lida, third daughter, and fourth child of Frederick L. and Sarah Smith, of this county. Mrs. West was born, March 20, 1847. The children of Frederick L. and Sarah Smith were: Samuel M., Mary A., Margaret, Lida, Sarah A., Franklin P., Leonora, Catherine, Ida, Isadora, and Belle. Mrs. West died, January 3, 1879. His widow is still living, and is a resident of Madison Township.

To the union of Mr. and Mrs. West two children have been born: Imogene, born November 5, 1878, and Stella, born May 26, 1880. Mrs. West had several years' experience as a school teacher.

Mr. West owns a farm of six hundred and eighty-two acres of good land on the Columbus road, near Madison Mills. He located here in 1870, giving his time since then to the improvement of his farm, and to legitimate trading and farming. He gives much attention to thoroughbred cattle. His herd of thoroughbreds is the best in the township.

From R. S. Dills' History of Fayette County




