Charles Wissler
One of the prosperous farmers of Paint township, Fayette county. Ohio, is Charles Wissler, who. without being favored by inherited wealth or the assistance of influential friends, has attained a comfortable place in life and is well and favorably known throughout the county where he was born. He has reached his success by the observance of those qualities of industry and economy which always characterize the successful man. As a result of his industrious life he is regarded by all who know him as a man of the best type of American citizenship, straightforward, genial and obliging, who, while advancing his individual interests, has never neglected his general duties as a citizen of the commonwealth.
Charles Wissler, the .son of Christian and Eliza (Core) Wissler, was born July 8, 1868, on the old Wissler homestead in Paint township. He attended the schools of his home neighborhood during the winter seasons and assisted his father with the work on the farm during his summer vacations. He remained under the parental roof until he was twenty-one years of age, and then began working for himself. At the age of twenty-five he was married and at once located on his present farm of one hundred and thirty acres about five miles from Bloomingburg. He carries on a general system of farming, paying particular attention to the breeding and raising of hogs. His farm is well improved and under his skillful management is yielding a handsome return each year.
Mr. Wissler was married October 27, 1893, to Mary Shotts, the daughter of Rufus C. and Magdalene (Sailer) Shotts, and to this union has been born one son, Harry C, who is now attending school. Mrs. VVissler's father was a native of Ross county and now lives in Sedalia. this state. Five children were born to Rufus C. Shotts and wife: Mary, William F., Edward S., Florence B. and Rufus.
Politically, Mr. Wissler is a Republican and, although taking an intelligent interest in the great political issues of the day. yet he has confined his energies to the development of his agricultural interests. He and his family are loyal and consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal church and liberal contributors to the support of their favored denomination.
From History of Fayette County Ohio - Her People, Industries and Institutions by Frank M. Allen (1914, R. F. Bowen & Company, Inc.)