Alonzo West
Alonzo West, proprietor of the Palace Livery and Feed Stable, on Market Street, between Fayette and Main Streets, Washington C. H, is an active and enterprising young man and controls a good business. Fayette is his native county, Jefferson Township the place of his birth, and June 13, 1861, the date of that important event in his life.
Our subject is a son of Edmund West; a well-known resident of Jefferson Township, of which his parents were early settlers. They had come to this county from Virginia, his native State, when he was a boy, and from that day the name of West has been familiar as connected with the rise and growth of Fayette County. The grandfather of our subject lived to a good old age, dying in 1880. Our subject's mother was Mary Edge before her marriage. Of her seven children, six are living. The father of our subject is a stanch Republican and takes much interest in politics. He is prominent in the religious life of his community as a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
He of whom we write is the youngest of the family. After completing his education in the public schools of the county, he gave his attention to farming for eight years. Abandoning that calling, he came to Washington C. H., in October, 1891, to establish himself in the livery business, to which he has since devoted himself with financial success. His stable is well equipped and supplied with carriages, buggies, sleighs, and all vehicles that are in demand in a city like this, and the horses, which are well kept, are good roadsters, combining speed and endurance. Our subject conducts his business in a manner that has won the confidence of his patrons, his name is good in financial circles, and he has a good deal of custom. He is a man of pleasant social qualities, and he stands high among the young Republicans of his native county in politics.
Mr. West and Miss Armeada A. Creamer were united in marriage October 10, 1886, and they have made for themselves a home as comfortable and cozy as possible, and the scene of true hospitality. Three children complete their household: Mary, Nina and Roy. Mrs. West is a daughter of William A. Creamer, an old settler of Jasper Township, this county.