Frank L. Parrett
Among the citizens of Fayette county. Ohio, who have built up comfortable homes and surrounded themselves with valuable personal property few have atttained a greater degree of success than Frank L. Parrett, the owner of one thousand acres of land in this county. With few opportunities except what his own efforts were capable of mastering, and with many difficulties and discouragements to overcome, he has achieved an exceptional success in life and is one of the four farmers of this county who own one thousand or more acres of land. He has always been regarded as a good business man, an excellent manager and a man who was thoroughly in touch with all of the latest agricultural methods. He has always enjoyed the respect and esteem of those who knew him for his friendly manner, his interest in public affairs and his upright mode of life, and is regarded by those who know him as one of the substantial and worthy citizens of the county, in whose advancement and growth he has always taken a prominent part.
Frank L. Parrett, son of Capt. T. F. and Mary (Greenlee) Parrett, was born November 2. 1864, on the Sugar Creek farm in Jefferson township, this county. As a boy he attended the public schools of his township during thewinter seasons and worked on his father's farm during the summers. Atthe age of eighteen he commenced farming for himself by renting land andlater bought one hundred acres, which formed the nucleus of his present extensive land holdings. He has always been an extensive stock raiser and particularly successful in the raising of Belgian horses and Shorthorn cattle. As he has prospered he has added to his original acreage until he is now the owner of one thousand acres in this county located about six miles north of Washington C. H. on the Prairie pike.
Mr. Parrett was married March 25, 1886, to Stella Briggs, the daughter of Abner and Catherine (Johnson) Briggs, and to this union has been born one child, who died in infancy.
Politically, Mr. Parrett is a Republican, and has always been interested particularly in local politics. He has served on the school board of Paint township and in this capacity favored every measure which he felt would benefit the schools of the township in any way.
From History of Fayette County Ohio - Her People, Industries and Institutions by Frank M. Allen (1914, R. F. Bowen & Company, Inc.)