Carey George Parrett
A successful farmer and stock raiser of Paint township is Carey G. Parrett, whose ancestors have been identified with the history of Fayette county for more than a century. The Parrett family came to this county shortly after its organization in 1810 and its various members have filled many positions of trust and honor in the county. They have been people of high ideals and straightforward methods and have risen to places where they have been the leaders in their respecti\e communities.
Carey George Parrett. the son of T. F, and Mary (Greenlee) Parrett, was born in Fayette county. July 5. 1871. His father, the son of George Parrett, was born in this county and was twice married. His first wife was Mary Greenlee and to this marriage were born three children, Frank, Fantie and Carey George. The second wifie of T. F Parrett was Mary Belle Coffman and to this union there were born three children: Thomas, deceased; Harry C., who married Madge Anderson: Louis. who married Hazel Sollars.
The elementary education of Carey G. Parrett was received in tlie district schtols of his home township and his high school training in the schools of Washington C. H. He assisted his father, who was a large land owner, on the farm during the summer vacations aud thus gained an intimate knowledge of the various phases of agriculture by the time he was old enough to begin farming for himself. Upon reaching his majority he started in as a renter anc! is now one of the largest renters of the county. He owns a farm of one hundred and six acres on the Prairie pike and rents five hundred acres in addition. He recently bought eighty-seven acres in Paint township near Bloomingburg and will move there soon. He has one of the most productive farms in the county and is a large stock raiser, handling several car loads of stock for the market every year.
Mr. Parrett was married March 10, 1896. to Cora Hays, the daughter of James and Mary K. (Armstrong) Hays. Mr. Hays was born in Paint township and was the son of John and Catherine (Wibright) Hays. Mr. Parrett and his wife have two children, Thomas H. and Mary Mildred, both of whom are in the schools of Bloomingburg.
The Republican party has claimed the support of Mr. Parrett and he has always taken an intelligent interest in its success. At the present time he is serving as road supervisor in his township and filling the office to the entire satisfaction of all those concerned. Fraternally, he is a member of the Knights of Pythias at Bloomingburg. Mr. Parrett is a man of strong convictions and by his straightforward and upright life has gained the high esteem of all with whom he has been associated.
From History of Fayette County Ohio - Her People, Industries and Institutions by Frank M. Allen (1914, R. F. Bowen & Company, Inc.)