Thomas Glenn McCoy
An enterprising and progressive young farmer of Madison township, Fayette county, Ohio, is Thomas Glenn McCoy, a descendant of one of the pioneer families of the county. It is interesting to know that Mr, McCoy is a college-trained man, having taken the classical course at one of the best universities in his state. Notwithstanding the fact that he is a college graduate, he returned to the farm and is now demonstrating the fact that a college education is of real benefit to the farmer. He is a wide reader of all agricultural literature and keeps in close touch with the latest advances which will benefit the farmer. As the manager of a four-hundred-acre farm, he is proving very successful and the returns which he is receiving from his efforts justly entitle him to inclusion among the representative farmers of his county.
Thomas Glenn McCoy, the son of Thomas R. and Sarah (Hockney) McCoy, was born October 20, 1886, near Good Hope, Ohio. His father was born on the same farm of two hundred and forty acres in Wayne township, wliere he is now living. Thomas R. McCoy was the son of Thomas and Margaret (Harper) McCoy, natives of Virginia and early settlers in Fayette county, Ohio. In fact, Thomas McCoy, the grandfather of Thomas Glenn McCoy, came to this county at the opening of the War of 1812, only two years after this county was organized. Thomas Glenn McCoy was one of five children born to his parents, the others being Mary Dell, Russell B., Oscar, and one who died in infancy.
Thomas Glenn McCoy received his elementary education in the schools of his county and then entered Miami University, graduating from the classical course in that excellent institution. Immediately after finishing his college course, he returned home and assisted his father on the home farm until his marriage in 1908. He then assumed the management of the Quinn estate in Madison township, and under his efficient direction this farm has come to be known as one of the most productive of the county. He is a large stock raiser and allows nothing on his farm except the best grade of stock, having found by experience that it pays to keep only the best.
Mr. McCoy was married December 15. 1908, to Alma C. Harper, the daughter of John and Mary (Goen) Harper. Her parents came from Virginia and were among the pioneer settlers of this county. John Harper and wife reared a family of five children, all of whom are still li\ing: Wert, Getha, Herbert, Warren, and Alma, the wife of Mr. McCoy. Mr. McCoy and his wife have one son, Melvin.
The Republican party receives the hearty support of Mr. McCoy, although he has not been active in its councils. Nevertheless, he is deeply interested in everything pertaining to the civic welfare of his township and county. Being one of the best informed men in the county on political questions, he is freciuently consulted by the leaders of his party. He has had no political aspirations so far, having found that it took all of his time to manage his farm. Fraternally, he is a member of the Knights of Pythias. He and his wife are affiliated with the Baptist church. Mr. McCoy is one of the few farmers of his township and county who have a classical education, and yet he enjoys his chosen vocation with all of the enthusiasm that the lawyer finds in his profession. It is a hopeful sign of the future when our young men come from college and settle down on the farm. The country needs such men to add stability to our government and in the years to come the influence which Mr. McCoy will bring to bear upon his community will be of benefit in every way. He is a worthy scion of a distinguished family and his career so far has added additional luxury to an honored family name.
From History of Fayette County Ohio - Her People, Industries and Institutions by Frank M. Allen (1914, R. F. Bowen & Company, Inc.)