Ohio Biographies

Frank McCoy

Bloomingburg and the surrounding portion of Fayette county are indebted to the McCoy family in a peculiar way, in that that family has for three generations furnished the local blacksmith and wagon-maker. Frank McCoy, the immediate subject and the present family representative in the business, is carrying on the business originated many years ago by his grandfather, his present location being what was once the most prominent church building in Bloomingburg and which is among the oldest buildings of the county. While the blacksmith and wagon-maker of today does a thriving business and fills a much-needed place in community life, he is not. perhaps, in a way so important as in earlier days when there were no ready-made wagons, farm implements or vehicles of any kind. The McCoy family has, therefore, contrihuted its share to the general advancement of this locality and each representative in the business named with fidelity and persistency of purpose has performed well his duty in all the relations of life and while advancing his own interests, has not been unmindful of the general welfare of his fellow-men. Thus they rightfully deserve an honored place in the history of this locality.

Frank McCoy has been a life-long resident of Bloomingburg. born in that thriving city on October 26, 1863, the son of James M. and Eleanor (Morrison) McCoy. James also was a native son of Bloomingburg and carried on the blacksmith business in the same location as that now occupied by the immediate subject. James was the son of Alexander and Maria (Stitt) McCoy, the Stitt family being among the earliest pioneers of Fayette county. Alexander McCoy was a native of Virginia who came to this section many years ago and opened up the blacksmith and wagon-making business which the family has since carried on in the original location. The subject's father, James McCoy, deserves special mention in that he was one of the nation's faithful citizens who went to the front during the dark days of the Civil War. At his enlistment he was made captain of Company C, Twentieth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served throughout the unpleasantness. Directly after receiving his honorable discharge, he returned to this section and took up his affairs where he had dropped them at the nation's call. He was the father of three children, the subject being the youngest of the family. Anna, the eldest of the family, is deceased. She was Mrs. Blackmore and the mother of five children, Guy, Roy, Howard, Bess and Neal. Jennie L. resides in Washington, D. C.

The subject's entire life has been passed in this section and it was in the Bloomingburg schools that he received his education. Early in life he was filled with ambition to follow his father and grandfather in the family business and when quite young took naturally to the work, receiving from his father, however, such special training as he needed. Mr. McCoy has been twice married. His first wife was Jennie Wylie, to whom he was married in August, 1885, and whose death occurred in April, 1898. Their union was blessed with four children, Roy, Wayne, Dorothy and Donald. Mr. McCoy was married for the second time in June, 1900, when he led Carrie Casey to the hymeneal altar. By this union he has become the father of four children, but three of whom are living. These are Geneva. Howard. Charles and one who died young.

Mr. McCoy's political affiliation is with the Republican party. While always taking a keen interest in politics, he has never felt inclined to take an active part in such matters, nor has he any desire for public office. His fraternal affiliation is with the ancient order of Freemasonry and he takes much pleasure in the work of the local organization. Both Mr. and Mrs. McCoy arc members of the Presbyterian church. Mr. McCoy's relations with his fellow men have ever been pleasant, for, of kindly disposition, he is easily approached and is obliging and straightforward in all the relations of life.


From History of Fayette County Ohio - Her People, Industries and Institutions by Frank M. Allen (1914, R. F. Bowen & Company, Inc.)




