William Glenn Ladd
Among the enterprising and progressive citizens of Fayette county, Ohio, none stands higher in the esteem of his fellow citizens than William Glenn Ladd, the manager of the Glasscock estate of seven hundred and sixty acres in Paint township. He has long been actively engaged in agricultural pursuits in this countv and the years of his residence here have but served to strengthen the feeling of admiration on the part of his fellow men. He has lived an honorable life and the worthy example he has set the younger generation is such as to merit his inclusion among the representative men of liis county.
William G. Ladd, the son of George and Mary (Gillispie) Ladd, was born October 7, 1866, in Highland county, Ohio. His father was born and reared on the same farm and was a son of Jacob Ladd. The father of Jacob Ladd, whose name was also Jacob, was a Welshman and came to this country in the early part of 1800 and settled in Virginia. Of the twelve children born to George Ladd and wife, only three are living, Mrs. Cordelia Priest. Mrs. Elsie Newland and William Glenn.
The education of Mr. Ladd was received in the common schools of Highland county, this state, where he grew to maturity and lived until 1905. At the age of twenty-one he began renting the old home farm of one hundred and fifty acres in Highland county and rented it for four years, then moved on to another farm and remained on it until he moved to Fayette county in 1905. Upon coming to this county he bought the Morton Judy farm of two hundred acres in Union township and, in fact, he has bought and sold several farms, having spent most of his time buying and selling farms. He later sold his last place of two hundred acres near Good Hope, in Wavne township. He is the manager of the Glasscock estate of seven hundred and sixty acres in Paint township, one of the largest farms in the county. He is an extensive stock raiser, and sells several car loads of stock each year. The farm is well equipped with all the latest machinery for up-to-dale farming and has several large and commodious barns scattered over it.
Mr. Ladd was married on Christmas day, 1902. to Minnie Todhunter, and to this union have been born two children, Ralph and Ludene. Mr. Ladd and his family are members of the Friends church. Fraternally, Mr. Ladd is a member of the Free and Accepted Masons and of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. As a citizen Mr. Ladd stands high in the esteem of his fellow men, being public spirited and progressive, and. although a resident of this county but a few years, yet he has thrown himself heartily into the support of all movements in behalf of the material advancement of his county, and the intellectual, moral and social good of the people. His life has been controlled by proper motives and in his relations with his fellow men he has been actuated by the highest ideals, so that among those who know him best he is numbered among the community's leading citizens.
From History of Fayette County Ohio - Her People, Industries and Institutions by Frank M. Allen (1914, R. F. Bowen & Company, Inc.)